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About Me

I'm 20 years old and I live on the central coast in NSW. I think I'm a very easy goin girl, I have a very bubbly personality and I'm all about makin the most fun outta any situation!!I love to make people laugh and I have to say Im always laughing at myself! I like to meet new people and make new friends and Like to always give people a chance,no matter what people look like,or where there from or how they live you tend to find if you let yourself get to know the unexpected you can learn alot of things... what some people dont realise is that I tend to be quite smart in the way that I know when people are being fake and unhonest and I see straight through there bullshit.I hate liars,bitches and people that try to be something there not...There are alot of people out there who try to bring others down and I'm not for that! I dont put myself around fake and jelous people, I mean no matter where you go theres gonna be those people, but you cant let them ruin your confidence and fun!you are who you are...you can improve yourself but you cant change who you are people need to accept who they are what they look like and make the most fun and happiness with what youv got!.the insecure ones who bag you are just really the ones bored with their own lives. Like I said I give everybody a chance, but once they have stabbed me in the back thats it!!I dont forget and I rarely forgive. I try very hard in my life to set myself goals to achieve, Im the sorta person that has to always get what I want,I'l try my hardest to acomplish or gain something I'v had my sights set on.I feel very proud and happy with myself once Iv acheived what I'v wanted. I love learning new things, I learn new things all the time from everything around me. learning is what gets you through life. One thing I have learnt is to learn from mistakes, mistakes are a very useful thing to learn from.You can either learn good or bad from mistakes but do remember a mistake should only happen once dont let them keep happening. most importantly I love to have fun, I think thats the most important thing in life..enjoy yourself...dont take yourself to seriously, sometimes its ok to be a goof and act silly..let your hair down, as long as your not hurting anyone else... DO WHAT YOU WANT...WHENEVER YOU WANT.. I'v got the best friends I could ask for. I think a friend is someone you can be your total self around no matter what.And I can Proudly say I'v got friends in which I do that...My friends are my partners in crime, we have so much fun all the time!!My friends are so important to me.sometimes I find it hard to trust people but I can say that of all my friends I can always count on forever is Nikkita,Dawson and bec!! My family are the most important thing in my life, as much as they shit me sometimes I will always love them, I'v got my mum and dad and two younger sisters emma 17 and jessica 13... Ohh and dont let me forget my dogs. Joe,Buster and Bella. I love my dogs soooooo much!!! joe and buster are both boy cocker spaniels and Bella is a girl maltese.there so funny, they have such very different personalities. And last but not least I have my boyfriend Stephen.. We have been together for 3 1/2 years and I love him so much, his taught me alot of things about life, good and bad..but if anything I'm a stronger person for meeting him and I believe everything happens for a reason...:) xoxo
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My Interests

I LOVE going shopping, Thats probably my favourite thing to do I could shop all day everyday, I never get sick of it EVER!!Ijust cant get enough of it.I also love summer I love goin to the beach everyday and just lying in the sun...I love the feeling of being burnt coz u know ur gonna get a good tan outta it-so its worth the pain! Ilike goin out every now and then to have a few drinks but I find if you do it all the time it soon gets boring, Im happy to just bum at home some nights thats always good .

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I'd like to meet:

Katie Price (Jordan) she's my kina girl
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MySpace CodesWhat goes around comes around...


I like all different kinds of music, I like dance music (but not that full on hardcore shit, thats not 4 me) I like bands like pearl jam,Live,red hot chilli peppers,I like hip hop and rnb music like 50cent,eminem,missy elliot,lil kim.and any top 40 music really,oh and i also like all the old 80's music and stuff its good music to sing to.


geeztheresso many movies I like....all the american pies,van wilder party liasion,never been kissed,ladder 69, jackass,the butterfly effect.. gosh...the list goes on


I dont really get to watch to much telly but my favourite shows at the moment are the OC, Prison break, I like those crime and investigation shows to, um csi, and I love watchin girls of the playboy mansion on fox thats definetly one of my favourites at the moment its so funny,big brother,rove.


I love reading books its just a matter of findin a good one to read, once I get started on a good book I cant put it down. my favourite book is probably ..being Jordan, after reading that book it really gives you a better look into her life which i think alot of people can relate to, I guess thats one reason why I like her so much..Plus she's fucken gorgeous!


my family and friends

My Blog

gettin started

Hey guys...well todays my first day I'v ever used this my space and its takin my all friggin day to try and make it look half decent and my boyfriends gettin the shits coz I wont get off here...but I ...
Posted by **MELISSA** on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 02:08:00 PST