cooking/ love/ history/ food/ dating/ reading/ eating/ competition/ bike riding/
would really like to meet people that can show and teach me new things. people that I can really talk to them that are comfortable enough to be themselves. I like people that are truly different/ people that do what they like and say what they like whenever they want// within reason of course/I guess that there is a fine line between speaking your mind being a belligerent jackass. but I hope whoever I meet in a strange land called myspace, I hope it all equals fun.
Paul Okenfold/ DJ jazzy/DJ Sasha/DJ baby ann/ old-school hip-hop /southern hip-hop/DJ testo/ DJ Kei oki.
fight club/reservoir dogs/pulp fiction/the groove/boondock Saints/the Count of Monte Christo
the venture brothers/cowboy bebop/trigun/family Guy/American Dad/food network/Futurama/a good amount of Japanese art
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Myspace Game Codes
Game provided by: Myspace Games
Game provided by: Myspace Games