K Is All About☮&♥ profile picture

K Is All About☮&♥

Take my breath away..

About Me

I ♥ motorcycles and my grandpa has his own shop. He's John. You should check it out.
If you really want to know me just listen to the most amazing song in the WORLD, Freebird by Lynyrd Skynyrd. It's my life in the form of a song..

Mi Llamo
KayLynn Kassandra

most people call me Kay or KayK. But I also have some pretty sweet nicknames. Such as, Ponchi, ChaCha, Chareles, Donny, Odie, Oh Kay Kay Kay, Princess Jasmine, ect.So what is there to say about me? I am VERY free spirited, and I'm kind of a hippy.I've been told many times by alot of different people that I am a "rebel" but I don't think so, I perfer to say that I am very self expressive. I've also been told I am an old soul. I'm a very passionate person. People who litter make me cringe. I have an amazing facination with nature and animals.I love being outside, it's where I am most at peace. I can be pretty random sometimes, but I think it keeps life more interesting. I'm a huge goofball, and I love to laugh. I pretty much have a smile on my face 24/7. I have the most amazing friends and family anyone could ever have, and I don't know what I would do without them. 95% of my life philosophys are defined in Buddhism, hence why I'm Buddhist. I finally got back in school, and I attend Lake Erie College where I'm a double major with a minor. After the upcoming fall semester I am transfering to a school in Florida. I'm very proud of my hertiage. Music is my life. I love just about every kind of music there is.

A 200 Question Survey For Myspace
Full Name:: Kaylynn Kassandra Berrios
Birthday:: July 3rd 1986
Birthplace:: The Conch Republic.
Eye Color:: Brown.
Hair Color:: Brown.
Height:: 5'6"
Weight:: I Have No Idea, I Don't Weigh Myself.
Right handed or Left handed?: Right.
Your Heritage:: Mostly Puerto Rican. But I Got Some Argentinian, German, & Native American in me too.
My Worst Habit:: Pushing People Away & Swearing.
Zodiac Sign:: Cancer. Only the most amazing sign in the Zodiac. ;)
Shoe Size:: 8.
Pants Size:: It varies depending on style.
Innie or Outie?: Innie.
Parents Still Together?: Nah.
The Shoes You Wore Today:: Well, I'm not going to change this daily so it doesn't really matter does it? :P
Your Weakness:: I typically can't say no to food, so I guess that's my weakness?
Your Fears:: Failure.
Your Perfect Pizza:: Lots of goey melted cheese.
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:: Just Live In The Moment, Don't Stress About The Future.
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger: Yeah. or lol
Thoughts First Waking Up:: Ugh.
Your Best Physical Feature:: My Nose. It's The Berrios Nose & I Wear It Proudly. ;)
Your Bedtime:: Whenever I Get Tired.
Your Most Missed Memory:: Livin' In Florida & Not Having To Do All The Grown Up Things I Have To Do Now..
Favorite color?: Olive Green.
Food?: Mi Abuelo's. He is an amazing cook. =)
Sport?: BASEBALL!!
Animal?: Manatees & Alligators.
Ice Cream?: Strawberry & Butter Pecan.
Candy?: Gummy Bears/Red Shoe Strign Liqourice.
Store?: I'm Really Not Sure.I Shop Anywhere That Has Clothes I Like.
Salad Dressing?: Italian or Vingerettes. But Ranch Is A Must For Veggies.
Actor?: I have far too many.
Song?: Freebird.
Letter?: Z.
Number?: 5, 9, & 21. And If You Can Guess Why Your Amazing.
Gum?: Eclipse.
Holiday?: My Birthday, Thanksgiving, & Fourth of July.
Season?: Summer/Spring
Toothpaste Flavor?: Whatevs.
Radio Station?: z107.9
Perfume?: J.Lo's Glo Line & Vera Wang Princess.
Scent besides perfume?: The Ocean, Fresh Laundry & Fresh Cut Grass.
Body part on the opposite sex?: Eyes/Smile.
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: A Photographer & A Humanatarian.
How Do You Want To Die?: It Doesn't Matter, It's All The Same End Result.
Turn ons:: A Sense Of Humor/Intelligence.
Turn offs:: Disrespect.
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You?: Farrah.
Who's The Loudest?: Farrah.
Who Makes You Laugh The Most?: Mess & Farrah.
Who Have You Known The Longest?: All My Friends From Perry.
Who's The Shyist?: I Don't Really Have Shy Friends.
When Have You Cried The Most?: When I Lived In Vegas. =/
What Is The Best Feeling In The World?: Being Free.
Worst Feeling?: Being Trapped.
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up?: I Would Like To Live In Florida, But I'm Open To Whatevs.
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be?: Nada, Because Then I Wouldn't Be Me Anymore.
How Long Do You Think You'll Live?: I Have No Idea.
Let's walk on the: beach.
Let's look at the: stars.
What a nice: thing to say.
Where did all the: freedom go?
Why can't we: all just get along?
Silly, little: misconceptions.
Isn't it weird that: people are just starting to care about the enviroment..
Never under any circumstance: settle.
I wish: I could travel the world all expenses paid.
Everyone has a: dream their too afraid to persue.
I am: trying my hardest.
Been In Love?: Yes.
Been To Juvie?: Nope.
Mooned Someone?: Ha, yes.
Been Rejected?: More times then I can count.
Ran Away From Home?: Sure did.
Pictured Your Crush Naked?: Ha.
Skipped School?: Sure have.
Thought About Suicide?: Nope.
Slept Outside?: Yup, loves it.
Laughed So Hard You Cried?: All the time.
Cried In School?: Eh, yes.
Thrown Up In School?: Yup.
Wanted To Be a Model?: I use to do modeling.
Cheated On Someone?: Hell naw, and I never would.
Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today?: Alot of things.
Seen A Dead Body?: Yup.
Been Bitched Out?: Ha, yes.
Drank Alcohol?: Yeah.
Smoked?: Yes.
Been On Drugs?: Whatchu Think?
Eaten Sushi?: Yes.
Been On Stage?: More time then I can count.
Gone Skinny Dipping?: Sure have.
Shoplifted?: Nah.
Been Drunk?: Yup.
Been Called A Tease?: Ha, yes.
Been Beaten Up?: By my big bro when we were younger.
Swear?: Yes.
Sing Well?: I hope so.
Shower Daily?: Sure do.
Want To Go To College?: I'm in college.
Want To Get Married?: Someday.
Believe In Yourself?: Yup.
Get Motion Sickness?: Nah.
Think You Are Attractive?: I dunno, I'm average.
Get Along With Your Parents?: Yup they are my best friends.
Like Thunderstorms?: Love them.
Play An Instrument?: I use to play several.
Own An IPOD?: Sure do, I couldn't live without it.
Pray?: Yup.
Go To Church?: Nah.
Sleep With Stuffed Animals?: Nope.
Keep A Journal/Diary?: Kind of. I write poetry and stuff.
Dance In The Rain?: Yeah.
Sing In The Shower?: Sometimes.
Pepsi or Coke?: Coke.
McDonald's or Burger King?: Neither.
Single or Group Dates?: Single.
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Chocolate.
Strawberries or Blueberries?: Strawberries.
Meat or Veggies?: Meat.
TV or Movie?: Movie.
Guitar or Drums?: Guitar.
Adidas or Nike?: Adias.
Chinese or Mexican?: Both.
Cheerios or Corn Flakes?: Neither.
Cake or Pie?: Both.
MTV or VH1?: Both.
Blind or Deaf?: Blind.
Boxers or Briefs?: Boxer Breifs.
Do The Splits?: Not as well as I use to.
Write With Both Hands?: Not well.
Whistle?: Sure can.
Blow A Bubble?: Yup.
Roll Your Tongue In A Circle?: Yuppers.
Cross Your Eyes?: Yes, My Great Grandma taught me how. =).
Walk With Your Toes Curled?: Sure.
Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose?: Not quite.
Dance?: I can shake my ass does that count? ;)
Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry?: Lightweight, I don't gain weight but I have to watch my sugar intake.
You Touched:: I have no idea.
You Talked To On The Phone:: My ma.
You Instant Messaged:: Pssh I don't remember.
You Hugged:: My ma.
You Yelled At:: I can't even remember the last time I yelled.
You Played A Sport With:: Erin, Gerald, Tristan, & Cristian. We all played Basketball.
Time You Laughed?: Today.
Time You Cried?: I can't remember.
Movie You Watched?: Swingers.
Flavor Of Gum You Chewed?: Ha, I don't remember.
Joke You Told?: I don't tell jokes.
Song You've Sung?: I sing alot.
Where Are You?: Mi Casa in The 'Field.
What Can You See Out Your Window?: The street and houses.
Are You Listening To Music?: Sure Am.
What Are You Wearing?: Comfy clothes.
What's On Your Mousepad?: A flaming heart.
Do you believe there is life on other planets?: Sure why not.
Do you believe in miracles?: Sure do.
Magic?: Lightweight.
Love at first sight?: Nah.
God?: Yup.
Satan?: Nope.
Ghosts?: No, but I believe in Spirits.
Santa?: I believe there was a man he was based on.
Evolution?: It's kinda hard not to believe it.
Fav Eye Color:: Brown.
Fav Hair Color:: Dark.
Short or Long Hair:: Whatever fits them.
Height:: Taller than me.
Weight:: They gotta have some meat on their bones.
Best Clothing Style:: Whatever fits them.
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit?: New Zealand.
Number Of CD's I Own:: Alot.
Your Good Luck Charm:: My Sabache.
How many pillows do you sleep with?: Little to none.
Do you drink milk?: I force myself to.
Person You Hate Most:: I don't hate, that's much too strong a word.
Most Outdated Phrase:: Gee Golly Willakeers.
Do you think God has a gender?: Nah.
Where do you think we go when we die?: That's far too complicated of an answer for me to fit in such a small space.
How many rings until you answer the phone?: Depends on if I wanna listen to my ringtone. ;)
What is something scientists need to invent?: Teleportation.
Are you a health freak?: Not really.
Are you a virgin?: My Little Cousin's My Read This.
If you could travel into space, where would you go?: I have no idea.
What is the worst weather?: Hail/Blizzards basically anything with snow.
Did you play with Barbies as a child?: Sure did.
How many grades have you failed?: None.
| |

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Anyone who isn't afraid to just be themselves.. Celebrity Wise:Ami James because he's amazing at what he does and not to mention he's GOREGEOUS.
Justin Timberlake because he's amazing.
/ Jennifer Lopez because she's also amazing & I loves her. .. ..

Daddy Yankee Now do I even need to explain myself?
/And last but not least: Frankie J because he is soooooooo freakin' amazingly talented not to mention gorgeous. ;)


I can't even begin to list ALL the music I like. I'm a sucker for 80's & 90's music.Which is strange cuz Lynyrd Skynyrd is my fav band. Frankie J is def. my fav artist though. But rock music will always be my first love. ♥



I like things that are a little off beat, cuz I am.


Miami Ink, bro'Town,The O.C., & Degrassi are my favs.


I like plays. Shakespeare is my friend. I also like the book, The Outsiders. I'm always reading True Crime cases. Ann Rule is awsome.


My real heros areeeeeeeeeeeee: My DaddyAnd Mi AbueloMy MamiMess She's the bestest friend anyone could ever ask for and she's been by my side through thick and thin and I love her for that. ♥

But alsooooo, Jay & Silent Bob & Tenacious D are also my herosssss. ♥

My Blog


50 ODD Things about you! (give or take the ones that were taken out)If you opened this, FILL IT OUT! Learn 50 things about your friends, and let them learn 50 things about you!1. Where's #1 on your to...
Posted by I'll Runaway With You. ♥ on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 08:54:00 PST

Moms just know things.

        Quite awhile ago my mom told me if she were to ever pick a song that makes her think of me (besides Freebird of course) it would be the one below. And I so get it now....
Posted by I'll Runaway With You. ♥ on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 11:06:00 PST

My List.

So, I decided I need to make a list of things I want in a man. I've never actually thought about what I'm looking for so I think it's time..so yeah here it goes.. * I want a man who can make...
Posted by I'll Runaway With You. ♥ on Sat, 04 Nov 2006 07:29:00 PST

So true.

Change is not always the worst thing that can happen.  Sometimes, it is just what we need the most.
Posted by I'll Runaway With You. ♥ on Fri, 31 Mar 2006 01:28:00 PST

Movies: I Scored 156

Put an X by the movies you've seen. If you get more than 70, you're a movie whore.COPY and REPOST ! PLACE YOUR SCORE IN THE SUBJECT LINE(X)Pirates of the Caribbean(X)The Mexican(X)Fight Club(X)Starsky...
Posted by I'll Runaway With You. ♥ on Mon, 31 Oct 2005 07:42:00 PST