K e l l y profile picture

K e l l y


About Me

What can I say about me? Well my boyfriend thinks i'm a fruit loop but thats ok thats one of my best features, it makes things fun for him and everyone around me. I love my family and my friends. I love working hard and playing even harder.

My Interests

shopping, wild evenings with my boyfriend, beautiful girls, & meeting new people. Yeah, I also love being outside in the sunshine, traveling all over and seeing new things, my favorite place to hang out, ghetto bars in small towns. Yeah!

I'd like to meet:

Someone one really hot, with lots of money that wants to buy me things.ha ha ha, while that is true I do love people to buy things for me. i'm not quite that shallow, I just want to meet cool people who love to hang out and have fun. And Angelina Jolie.


I can't choose a favorite type of music because I love so many different types, I can appreciate a real artist when I hear one, and I have no respect for someone who uses the talent of others to make themselves seem better than they are.


I love funny movies, I love a good drama, I hate horror movies, not because they scare me, because they suck!!! And I hate chick flicks.


I really don't watch a lot of t.v. but one show you will never see me watch is american idol or any other "reality show", I do however love seinfeild, family guy, that 70's show, and the simpsons. I rarely miss them


I don't really read a whole lot but I love reading about the zodiac, the earth the moon and the stars, and human existence.


My Parents!!!!! I Love you Mom & Dad!!!!

My Blog


what is dreamscaping?...
Posted by K e l l y on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 04:44:00 PST