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About Me

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//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////// Powersville is a metal band from Powersville, GA. We like it when there's a fat , meaty hook, but we also love throwing down on some straight up, chest out, heavy music. We sound southern because we're from the south. It's not in our blood, it is our blood. We sound like metal because there's nothing better than, poundin some drums, slinging yer hair around, screamin yer head off, and soaking up the din of loud , distorted guitar while the bass rattles your backbone. Like Cliff Burton said "we're not trying to be something big and fancy. It's just us, doin what we do." Simple words with a strong statement. We're not trying to rewrite rock and roll, we're just gettin down playin some metal. And doin a damn fine job. ////////// If you like Powersville, or, if you like ANY local music, or if you like ALL local music, COME TO THE SHOWS, FLOSS THE MERCH, SPREAD THE WORD, BURN CDS FOR PEOPLE!!!! SUPPORT LOCAL MUSIC!!!!
Check out our boys Trap County-you can catch us jammin all about GA together usually once or twice a month, couple'a good ol' rednecks playin some loud ass drunkness filled with all them parts ya love to holler along to.
We got a lot o' yall askin about a banner, lots o' pages out there in the land o'space that need the pville clickable! well here it is for all yall, snag it, post it, spread it!
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HIT UP SHOCK AND AWE PRODUCTIONS FOR ALL YOUR LIVE LIGHTING AND PHOTOGRAPHY!! CHECK OUT THEIR WORK IN OUR PICS! GO TO ANY ALBUM FROM "THE LOCAL" (Especially the latest one, march 13th, these cats are constantly more and more on their game!)
As always, stay up with us cuz we're constantly bookin new shows all over GA! Thanks to everyone of yall who helps us out by reposting bulletins and comments! It may be a small thing but it is greatly appreciated! Support the thang!
Header Banner Made with MyBannerMaker.com! Click here to make your own!

My Interests


Member Since: 7/26/2006
Band Website: This thang you be starin' at that be starin' back
Band Members: FOR TICKETS TO UPCOMING POWERSVILLE SHOWS: Call 138 Records at 478-213-4762

TO BOOK POWERSVILLE: Call 138 Records at 478-213-4762or Message us here or E-mail us at [email protected]
GO TO MYSPACE.COM/OUTOFTHEGARAGERADIO AND CHECK OUT THE "BATTLE OF THE BANDS" BLOG TO SEE WHO'S UP THIS WEEK.Rob "Raplestiltskin" Saltz - that gravel throated, gut driven goodness /// Tommy "Quartersakk" Carmichael - squeals, trills, shreds, grooves, floyd rose ninja, "the prop" /// Steve - grooves of the low end nature, resident teetotaller /// Napcephus - bang bang i shot you down in chinatown, charlie brown

Influences: our bulging muscles, superior intellects, and front row titties. That, and our quick wit, sensitivity towards the needs of others, and ability to leap tall buildings in a single bound. cold beer and straight whiskey.
this seems like a good place to list where we've played since Feb '08:The MasqueradeThe Local
Hangar 7550Gallery 13Marion St. CafeDoozer's Pubthe Backstage LoungeShenanigans (statesboro)Ziggy'sClub FathomThe 7 VenueSapphire TheaterInsomnia VenueMoosetraxx (booked, closed before show)Breakers (booked, closed before show)Red Eye TavernDude's front yard in ElkoAlso, in July '08, we recorded the "Demolution" EP in our practice space, then mixed it here in my computer room on the trusty Tascam. In the course of playing and promoting since then, we've given out nearly 1500 copies.As always, check out page often, we're constantly booking shows all around GA; always lookin for new places to play and waitin to go back to the old haunts. Also, we try to put up some pics from most shows, so keep an eye on our photo albums, too! For tickets to upcoming shows, call 138 Records at:478-213-4762To book Powersville, or for any other info ya may be hankerin' for: Message us here on myspaceE-mail us at [email protected] call 138 Records at 478-213-4762
Sounds Like: DeepSoulFried SouthernMetal. Tastes like Kool-aid, burns like Gasoline. .Bands we've played with: Stuck MojoPrimer 55NinetailHypno5e (France)Cypher16 (London)Trap CountyEnruinedEclipsed By SanityDead to the WorldSMISouthern HostilitySilence SyndicateDust Covered SaintsBare VictimColossikApathy EnsuesAshes of AddictionCaustic ThoughtTortusShadow MatterThe Final FightNusenseIon ProphecyDawn of PlagueLydia Can't BreatheFaceddownWithout HatredStereo GunUndead Viking Mafia
TetrarchSeries OverkillRisen to FallElm Street VeteransPardon the InsolenceThe Ages
Bay City Psychos
Echo 13
With All The LiesUnder Black HorizonsSelf SacrificeCrimson MustacheForce of HabitMy apologies to those i can't remember! If i left ya off, just hit me up and i'll be sure to add ya to the list! New bands get added all the time, so whenever ya find yourself with some downtime, just drop by, take a gander at 'em and go check 'em out, there's a lot of incredible music in that there list. Props to all these bands for gettin out there, playin the shows, promotin the shows, bringin the fans, and being generally cool metalheads. Unless you were a jerk. Then be cooler next time!If ya wanna bring us to your area or come down to our neck o' the woods, hit us up with a message here on myspace, or at [email protected], or call 138 Records at 478-213-4762.For tix to upcoming pville shows, hit up 138 Records at 478-213-4762.
Record Label:

My Blog

check us out at LDPromotions.com!

LDPromotions.com is a page belonging to Tracey Hartley, the lady who was gonna bring yall that big badass Rehab/Powersville/Almost Kings/Southern Psykology show before she got shut down by The Man. Lu...
Posted by on Fri, 08 May 2009 15:28:00 GMT

Just some good ole folks never meanin no harm.

For some shit, this is some sweet shit. Ole Captain Spaulding is so photogenical!http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea cti...
Posted by on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 10:29:00 GMT

The Orchestration of Minds (or The Problem with Protesting)

     So i've been thinking about the recent difficulties that have come from trying to put on good local shows (for us and those we've been working with), and i've come to a deeper layer of understand...
Posted by on Thu, 09 Apr 2009 08:01:00 GMT

We need a place for the next benefit!

What's up everybody, we're wanting to plan another local, all ages benefit show. But due to unexpected, unfortunate circumstances we're unable to use the Moose Lodge this time around. We have a couple...
Posted by on Tue, 07 Apr 2009 09:41:00 GMT

Autism Benefit "Thank yous" plus some...

So many people made last night not only possible, but a damn successful first Mid GA Consciousness Collective. I don't know who to say thanks to first. So, in no particular order- -The Moose Lodge for...
Posted by on Sun, 08 Feb 2009 18:22:00 GMT


We haven't used samples before this song, however, it was an important, deliberate decision for it to be this song, and these samples. This song touches on something that a lot of bands and musicians ...
Posted by on Mon, 07 Jul 2008 16:27:00 GMT

138 records ATTN: GA Bands

metal bands especially, 138records (look down, sucka! in the top friends) will post your upcoming shows for you, and give you a place to find other bands. just go there and check out the blog ATTN: GA...
Posted by on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 06:47:00 GMT