Learning about different cultures and ethnic groups.http://www.indiancountry.com/content.cfm?id=729Go to this website to read about the Alaska Native rights which were removed from them upon the introduction of the Russians and then the United States. Racism still runs rampant in many communities in this state. Alaska Natives receive less than adequate medical care in the smaller communities. They are denied their subsistence rights or have them severely diminished. Please read...
adopt your own virtual pet!
..Although my pet is a llama, I also have a dream to raise alpacas on a few acres of land.Remember to pray for healing, for compassion and understanding, and for a cure!
In this world, Billy Graham.I will be so happy to finally meet our Lord when he comes back to get me! What a wonderful day that will be!
Christian MySpace Graphics
Christian MySpace Graphics
Thank You
This is for all my Sabbath School and Sunday School teachers! May God bless you all.
IronmanRobert Downey, Jr. returns! Wonderful actor! See this movie if you can, it is thoroughly enjoyable.THE IRONMAN TRAILER
I like to watch the classics and musicals.I also get a kick out of finding short vids like this one!Granny Pop And Lock
The Bible.Are you saved? Will you go to heaven to live with our Lord? This world is passing away quickly, there is not much time left, just ask the Lord to forgive your sins and to save you from this world of sinfulness and wickedness--he will hear your prayer and he will answer it, you need only believe.
I think those that give of themselves to their church and community are the real heroes. They could use the time they give on matters of a more personal nature, but instead they share themselves and their talents with others.