Dressing up in stormtrooper armor and confusing the neighbors, EVE Online, Computers, Art, House music, Clubbing, Graphics Design, Being a parent.
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.
Anything but country.
I like movies. Movies are good. Just don't make me sit in a movie theater.
Anything that doesn't require me to pay for cable. Hey look! Jeopardy is on! Woo! Nova is on! I love Red Dward. I enjoy anything ironic. Mmmm Irony.
Anything I can get my hands on, even though I'm not a big fan of fiction.
Brian Greene
Richard Clarke - Against All Enemies.
Elizabeth Wurtzel - More, Now, Again.
Paul Krugman - The Great Unravelling.
My favorite book ever is Richard Rhodes' The Making of the Atomic Bomb. Read anything by him.
I love more intellectual reading. Anything technical, Physics, Science, and anything dry british humor. I'm that guy that will read a technical manual or parts catalog just for fun.
J. Robert Oppenheimer, Enrico Fermi, Al Franken, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter