Broadcasting, Outdoor Cooking, Travel, Classic Cars,
Fans, my fellow radio buddies and long lost friends.
Country would be tops. Not only do I play 'em, I know 'em all. I have posted pics of some of the biggies, and more are on the way. I also love pop and rock tunes from the 60-'80's, Blink 182, Green Day, Collective Soul, Dave Matthews, Three Doors Down.
Armageddon, Tombstone, Wyatt Earp and Runaway Jury would be my favorites. My favorite actor right now would have to be Vince Vaughn. Loved him in Wedding Crashers, Dodgeball and Starsky & Hutch. Plus, he dated Jennifer Aniston.
Grey's Anatomy, Two and Half Men, Frasier and M*A*S*H re-runs. News Junkie. CNN and KPRC Channel 2.
Not much of a reader. My Mom says it is because I have such a shor, uh, what was the question?
My Dad, Joe Holstead. Awesome radio newscaster and hell of a cook.