Frigg profile picture


In search of the lost cities of Antarctica...

About Me

I'm a pagan girl from Croatia... I LOVE Black Metal, Mother Earth and of course... more than anything I love my 'avantgarde' boyfriend, Sven aka Fenrir... My realized dream... That's very important - I'm an absolute BAL-SAGOTH freak! And, as my boyfriend said - blood, bowels, autopsies & tortures are my fetish (according to marvelous Cannibal Corpse;)! I salute my Slavic brothers and sisters - we shall unite to make the new world order! We shall destroy the religion of lies, we shall dethrone the god who doesn't exist! We shall sing in the name of Morana! Pagan arise!NOTE: If you have sent me a request, please add a comment and say something when I add you!This little one is my very good friend:If you are a Croatian and have your own business, check this out:

My Interests

Black Metal, paganism, history, pantheism, ecology, mithology, archaelogy, philosophy, writing, Cthulhu mythos...

I'd like to meet:

Huh... Varg Vikernes, Faun... and of course - the mightiest BAL-SAGOTH!


I ADORE PAGAN FOLK BAND FAUN!!! I listen BLACK METAL: Burzum, BAL-SAGOTH, Immortal, Drudkh, Darkthrone, Emperor, Nokturnal Mortum, Negura Bunget, Bathory, Mayhem, Enslaved, Marduk, Dark Funeral, Abyssic Hate, Svarga, Taake, Summoning, Impaled Nazarene, Khold, Koldbrann, The Stone, Satyricon, 1349, Gorgoroth, Beherit, Carpathian Forest, Celtic Frost, Gontyna Kry, Gehenna, Absu, Graveland, Thy Primordial, Borknagar, Siebenbürgen, Isengard, Limbonic Art...GRINDCORE: Fuck...I'm Dead, Nasum, Napalm Death, Agathocles, Agoraphobic Nosebleed, Pungent Stench...AVANTGARDE: Peccatum, Arcturus, Fleurety, In the Woods...DEATH: Vader, Malevolent Creation, Cannibal Corpse, Behemoth, Hypocrisy, Zyklon, Deicide, Amon Amarth, Death...AMBIENT: Ulver, Vinterriket, Hagalaz Runedance, Nebelhexe, Dargaard...+ Amorphis, Blind Guardian, Iron Maiden, Enya, Irish music and all the other national music...


The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Reanimator, Frankenstein, Nosferatu, Van Helsing, King Arthur, Tim Burton's movies, Im Juli, Haute Tension...


'Allo 'Allo, Babylon 5, Only Fools and Horses...


F.M.Dostoyevsky, L.Andreyev, J.R.R.Tolkien, H.P.Lovecraft, H.Ibsen, D.Quinn, C.Baudelaire, A.G.Matos, V.Vidric, N.V.Gogol, Miriam Starhawk, R. Graves, E.A.Poe, F.Petrarca, Dante, Boccaccio...


My boyfriend! [I am my own hero!]