Not been doin' this for long, started off as a hobby and now its a first love lol. The luke skywalker of djMennis. My partner in crime is Mr Harry Platford, as much of an influence and teacher as he is a "fellow deejay". As far as Genre goes, its mainly Hippedy hop and rnb. Loving the Crunk n southern stuff! In spare time i tend to be drawn to a variety of different artists and music forms. Going through an old school, soul/ funk revival at the mo, rick james (SUPERFREAKKAAAYYY) n that but i'll pull through it. As far as making music goes produced a fair few beats and have also been experimenting with stuff. Produced a few things for The "Paper-boi", very honoured to work with such a deranged individual, Also the talented Mc Cremey.
Join Myself and DJ Matt for Club Tropicana every WEDNESDAY NIGHT at Chalfont SU.
Also catch me at Whispers, Gravesend on a FRIDAY NIGHT
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