As everyone is probably aware of the tragic loss of our dear daughter, sister, grand daughter, niece, cousin, and friend- Gina Marie Durham, we as the family would like to inform everyone of her services.Wednesday,January 30th- Viewing at:Carnesale Funeral Home
On the corner of 3rd and Peach Streets
(across from Post Office)
Hammonton, NJ
6:00pm-9:00pmThursday, January 31st- Viewing- Mass and Burial to followOur Lady of The Lakes Church
Malaga Road
Collings Lakes, NJ
10:00-11:00 Viewing
11:00- MassBurial At Holy Sepuchuler Cemetary
1st Road
Hammonton, NJThe Durham Family would like to extend its deepest thanks for all of the love and support given from everyone through these hard times.Gina♥Marie
"Where has my heart gone... I want to go back to believing in everything and knowing nothing at all" -Evanescence
"And every tear that had to fall from eyes, and everyday I wondered how I'd get through the night, and every change life has thrown me, I'm thankful for every break in my heart, I'm grateful for every scar" -Carrie Underwood
I can't change the past, but I sure as hell can make sure I don't make the same mistakes!
One day I'll get this right...
End of 2007...last fall semester at RSC