RobbieTheRam profile picture


Lacrosse States i hear in the distance???

About Me

Hey there! My name is RobbieTheRam and I was born in 1971. As you can see from my pictures, I'm Robinson's school mascot. I love hangin with friends, drinkin milk by the pool, and sexin up other Concorde District mascots. I also like playin every sport...even crew. Keep it up fellow Rams. Let's get a bigger turnout this game people. Our Rams are not just the players, it's everyone who walks in that door at 7:20...ish

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

Fairfax is so pathetic they didn't even have a mascot or a real sign.So I decided to hump this one.Chantilly, do you have anything else you'd like to say?ME SEXIN UP THE WESTFIELD BULLDOG!!!At your request, the Oakton Cougar.Spankin that golden tush.We're sorry about that one.OOOO Herndon.Wildcats? Please, we will see who's wild on Friday night at 7:30.

I'd like to meet:

The Saint Louis Ram, I've looked up to that guy since I was born. The Syracuse Orangeman, that guy cracks me up. Also, the Denver Bronco, I want to go toe-to-toe with that jackass. Oh yea...and ludacris
Name: RobbieTheRam
Birthdate: 9/7/71
Birthplace: Robinson Secondary School
Current Location: Robinson Secondary School
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Tan
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 200
Piercings: none
Tatoos: none
Overused Phraze: WE WON
Food: Oasis
Candy: Skittles
Number: 1
Color: Blue and Gold
Animal: Ram BABY
Drink: Milk
Alcohol Drink: Milk with alcohol
Bagel: Everything
Letter: R H S
Body Part on Opposite sex: Tits n Ass
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: Milk
McDonalds or BurgerKing: University Mall
Muscle or Fat: In a girl? Fat, more cushion for the pushin
Hot tea or Ice tea: the caps of the Himalayas
Chocolate or Vanilla Milk Chocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Hot Chocolate
Kiss or Hug: Humping
Dog or Cat: Dog...because they like to hump
Rap or Punk: gangsta shit
Summer or Winter: Robinson Sports seasons
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Sports movies
Love or Money: money
Bedtime: I dont sleep
Most Missed Memory: Whoopin down on Braddock baby
Best physical feature: tail
First Thought Waking Up: i dont sleep, i dont wake up
Goal for this year: win states in everything...even crew
Best Friends: Mr. Meier, Mr. Mondloch, Mr. Pilsen, Mr. McGurk, Mr. Evers, Coach Bendorf, Mrs. Duncan, Mrs. French, Mr. Meade
Weakness: I have no weakness
Fears: None
Heritage: Robinson Secondary School
Ever Drank: Frequently
Ever Smoked: nope
Pot: nah
Ever been Drunk: hells yeah
Ever been beaten up: is this a joke
Ever beaten someone up: always
Ever Skinny Dipped: I dont even wear clothes on land
Favorite Eye Color: sexy
Favorite Hair Color: tan
Short or Long: mangy
Height: 6'5"
Style: doggy
Looks or Personality: FIIINE
Hot or Cute Hot
Drugs and Alcohol: no
Muscular or Really Skinny: muscular hind legs, and long mane
Number of Regrets in the Past: none
What country do you want to Visit: America
How do you want to Die: banging a lady ram
Been to the Mall Lately: nah, no animals allowed
Do you like Thunderstorms: no
Get along with your Parents: i have none
Health Freak: yes
Do you think your Attractive: i know
Believe in Yourself: always
Want to go to College: no
Do you Smoke: no
Do you Drink: yes
Shower Daily: once a month
Been in Love: no
Do you Sing: yes
Want to get Married: no
Do you want Children: no
Have your future kids names planned out: no
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: already did, Age 1
Hate anyone: all non-robinson goers



Robinson Fight Song


Rudy, Rocky, Field of Dreams, Cinderella Man, The Natural, Hoosiers, Angels in the Outfield, Remember the Titans (even though we always whoop up on T.C. Williams), Glory Road, Friday Night Lights


Espn, Espn 2, Espn Classic, Espn U, EspnNEWS, Espn 8 The Ocho, and channel 21 whenever they replay Robinson sports games


RobbieTheRam does not read.


James W. Robinson