art, drawing,music, reading...
Manegarm, Crucifier, Dissection, Ulver, Corpus Christii, Yyrkoon, Desecration, Immolation, Funeral Mist, Ares Wrath, Tormentor, Lucifugum, Isengard, Thyrane, Enslaved, Infernum, Nifelhim, Gorgoroth, Disgorge, Lunar Aurora, Dark Funeral, Astarte, Kult Ov Azael, Deadalion, Blodsrit, God Dethroned, Pungent Stench, Marduk, Unleashed, Moonblod, Graveland, Beherit, Naglfar, Taakeferd, Urgehal, Absu, Nattefrost, Mactacus, Vital Remains, Watain, Atsphear, Catamenia, 1349, Azarath, Eiherjer, Bathory, Selvhat, Abazagorath, Amon Hen, Burzum, Funeris Nocturnum, Scar Symetry, Dominic Christ, Emperor, Koldbrann, Bal Sagoth, Dodheimsgard, Crytopsy, Ragnarok, Dismember, Satyricon, Bury My Sins, Kathaarsys, Old Mans Child, Behemoth, Blood Red Throne, Vesania, Mutiilation, Setherial, Ancient, Krux, Susperia, Enthroned, Darkthrone, Nile, Cathedral, Flesh Consumed, Deicide, Agalloch, Alastis, Nefarius, (early) Mayhem, Sacramentum, Old Funeral, Horna, Hypocrisy, Betlehem, Belphegor,Dying Fetus, Storm, Forgoten Woods, Stormlord, Odius Mortem, Grave, Sargeist, Tidfall, Funeral Feast, Drudkh, ...
gore, horror, science fiction Cat people, Fiend without a face, Night of the living dead, Bad taste, Re-Animator, The bride of Re- animator, Rosemary s child, Omen, Lord Of The Rings, all Stephen Kings s stuff,Star Trek, Star Wars, Dracula, Nosferatu, Blood Feast 2, Waxworks, Nightmare in the Elm street, Alien, Hellraiser, Wichboard,....
Star Trek series, science fiction, horror and gore movies....stuff like that
Teorija romana, Smrt tragedije, Stephen Kings s Pet Semitary & other Stephen Kings books, antique books (like Sophocles s Antigona), history stuff, Lord Of The Rings, horror stories HR Gigers artbooks, Bosh works (painter), art books in general
-Hans Ruedi Giger and his deceased feance Li -Salvador Dali -Gustave Dore - Hieronymus Bosch