djcharly profile picture


djcharly..... .progressivehouse--tribal......influence..danny tenaglia..david morales...deep dish...

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Resize the box below to select the area of the photo you’d like as your album cover
The little box to the right is a preview of what the album cover will look like
When you’re done customizing your album cover click “Save Album Cover” to finish, or click the “Go back and choose another photo” link if you want a different Album Cover.
.. For best quality your album cover image should be 170 pixels wide and 127 pixels tall. The image you have currently selected is smaller than these dimensions and will be distorted when cropped. Click here if you wish to pick a different image -- For best quality your album cover image should be 170 pixels wide and 127 pixels tall. The image you have currently selected is smaller than these dimensions and will be distorted when cropped. Click here if you wish to pick a different image
or pick another image from your album

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Posted by djcharly on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 03:28:00 PST