*LuKiN 4 ma 2007 bayb! is it u ?* profile picture

*LuKiN 4 ma 2007 bayb! is it u ?*

h3y ma ppl wuz gud diz tasha aka killa

About Me

Hi ma nam3 is tasha aka killa im 16 yrs old a gr3at p3rson 2 b round na m3an i aint da p3rson 2 fucck wit cuz wuld r3ally hurt sum 1 if d3y got m3 2 dat poit im nic3 im lookin 4 da sp3cial sum 1 in ma lif3 dat i aint find y3t i work do ma thing nd mak3 ma pap3r im still in skoo nd do ma thing d3r?

My Interests

thing$ dat int3r3S m3 iz playin ball,writin po3ms, and hav3in fun i lyk 2 b fr33 frm thing$ if ya hat3rS no wut i mean? I lyk 2 do wu i cn nd try 2 stay out of troubl3 bt d3r alwaz hat3rz alwuz fuckkin u up nd alwuz tryin 2 g3t a short lock3d up nd it aint popin off fuckk dat shit na m3an i b33n doin gud so y fuckk up nw????/

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