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Apostle CV Lanier

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About Me

Servant-Leader Apostle Corrie V. Lanier is the oldest of 4 children born to Sister Veronica Lanier and Mr. Pedro Adorno. He is the grandson of Mother Edna M. Lanier.Apostle Lanier has been chosen by the Lord Jesus Christ to preach the gospel since age eight. He preached his first sermon at Youth Church at the age of eight years old; where the Pastor was the late Elder Newkirk of The Powerhouse Church of God in Christ.In 1994, Apostle Lanier began his public preaching at the Apostolic Church of Albany, New York. The sermon was entitled “A No Longer Without A Cause Generation”. During the next four years, Apostle Lanier became a Youth Minister, Vice-Superintendent of the Sunday School Department, an Usher, a Praise & Worship Leader, a Choir Member and Church Soloist under the leadership of Elder Ervin Williamson.Apostle Lanier graduated form Bishop Maginn High School. After completing his high school education, Apostle Lanier founded a work, given to him by GOD. The work-ministry was named “Soul Saving Ministries International, Inc”. Apostle Lanier first conference was, “Deliverance Conference 97”. After this mighty work began, came the trying and purifying of his life.During this trying time Apostle Lanier also furthered his studies at Cobleskill College and S.C.C. Community College; with a concentration in Business Management and Hospitality. During college, Apostle Lanier was honored to become “A Man of Influence”, by working for the Dean’s office and for the Bursars’ office. Apostle Lanier held the post of area Dormitory President for two dorms and served as President of the Christian Organization for the campus. GOD was already molding & shaping him into becoming a leader, to lead sheep to the throne of grace and to build powerful leaders.Apostle Lanier has had the distinct pleasure of representing the City of Rensslaer, New York as a delegate/competitor in The National & International AAU Karate Championships & was presented a Certificate of Appreciation for winning the silver medal for the city.In 2000 Apostle Lanier left the Church of God in Christ and became a member of Triumphant Fellowship Ministries, under the leadership of Pastor Byron E. Terrell. Apostle Lanier served for four years in various capacities, some of which were, Director of Men’s Fellowship, Director of Pantry Ministry, Worship Leader, Adjutant, Sunday School Teacher, Asst. Sunday School Superintendent, Youth Pastor, Pastoral Administrator & an Associate Pastor.It was during that season that Apostle Lanier accepted his prophetic call & experienced great obscurity.January 1, of 2005, Apostle Lanier was shifted by GOD into another dispensation of ministry, and Apostolic-Prophetic Ministry, as an Apostle.In June of 2005, the LORD commissioned Apostle Lanier to establish an apostolic work in Pittsburgh, PA, called Shekinah Doxa Ministries & presides over the corporation of Soul Saving Ministries International, Inc. as Chairman & CEO. Apostle Lanier also presides over” Soul Saving Ministries International Covenant Ministries” (SSMIC) of which as grown in months to over three U.S. based ministries and thirty International Churches. Apostle Lanier is the Chairman of the Eleazar Apostolic & Prophetic Network and birthed “Kingdom Dominion Movement”, which has an annual conference.Apostle Lanier life & Mission are birthed out of the book of Jude24-25.Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. AmenIt is with great honor to present to you a precious ministry, a gift to the body of Christ, a servant, king & priest unto the LORD, the Apostle Corrie V. Lanier.Receive Ye Him.

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Take a look at this

Posted by Apostle CV Lanier on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 05:12:00 PST

Check out this event: Kingdom Dominion 2008

Hosted By: Apostle Corrie LanierWhen: Monday Oct 20, 2008 at 7:30 PMWhere: Lighthouse Christian Convention Center326 Tryon RoadRaliegh, North Carolina|34 27603United StatesDescription:Apostle Corrie L...
Posted by Apostle CV Lanier on Wed, 07 May 2008 08:41:00 PST

"Survival Kit"--Dr. Dorinda Clark-Cole

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltyQ8PS7Edw ...
Posted by Apostle CV Lanier on Tue, 06 May 2008 07:56:00 PST

Check out this event: Shekinah Today Radio Broadcast

Hosted By: Apostle Corrie LanierWhen: Wednesday Apr 09, 2008 at 6:00 PMWhere: www.Blogtalkradio.com/ShekinahTodayALBANY, NY 12204United StatesDescription:Apostle Corrie Lanier Click Here To View Event...
Posted by Apostle CV Lanier on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 01:50:00 PST

Should Women be Allowed into the Five Fold Ministry Offices

Grace And Peace my Sisters And Brothers. I had an a opportunity to be on a Wonderful Show called "And The Prophet Speaks" hosted by Pastor Sheila Ashley, she is on my myspace page.  Our topi...
Posted by Apostle CV Lanier on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 09:23:00 PST

Carlton Pearsons MSNBC Interview

The segment was called "To Hell and Back".   It was very interesting, it was an explanation on why he believes what he believes.  I however will never agree to what he is preaching, he ...
Posted by Apostle CV Lanier on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 09:29:00 PST

Apostolic & Prophetic Succession

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Recently I have been meditating on something called "Apostolic & Prophetic Succession".  I have looked at the levitical priest hood according to biblical standards....
Posted by Apostle CV Lanier on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 12:24:00 PST