cooking, having affairs, stabbing my friends in the back and having sex.I also think I would like to learn how to shoot a gun in case I feel like starting the revolution, but I guess writing about it on Myspace will do for now.
Fred MacMurray. Alf Landon. Ralph Reed. Just kidding. I've met everyone I want to. I just want to meet dead people now. Especially dead rich people. Rich people should be dead. I would also like to be given the chance to crap on the face of the facist and racist fuckface Alan Dershowitz and would love to take down his little "Jewish" cult. Did I say "Jewish"? I meant Jewish. You fucking Anti-Semites.
If I made a list it would be better than yours. I am the greatest music lover alive. No more lists. No more pretensions. If you know me, you know its true.
I am the world's best critic and I hate every fucking movie ever fucking made. Except Bad Santa.
Only if I'm on. Which my cock usually is.
I'm too busy fucking to read. Mostly I read stuff that assholes drop in barroom toilet stalls or hidden messages smeared in shit on the men's room wall.
UMMO. And the horse they rode in on. Unless they came from the earth which would mean Richard Shaver was right. I have 1/8 alien in me. The fucking Jews have like 1/4. The fucking bastards.My only hero is me and I worship me 24 hours a day. Time for another tug.