i was bOrn in KL..Lives SOmewhere in pj..There's 7 Of US in d FamILy..i'm d lAst GuRl..OpEn MIndEd...CheerFUl..SenSitiVe..MooDy..:P..naughthy..stubborn.
.egeg..the more people say dont do it..dat is what i want to do...eager to try something new..i luv to help peopLE... i like to say sorry(even there is nothing i should feel sorry of)...i like the word 'busuk'..sounds cute ha??..people used to call me snorbish..am i??..i dunno u decide.....i'm not that coMplicated..easy in dealing wIth..I'm a first Aider..i lUv eVErything got to do with red crescent..Mumbling is One of D wAy to release my Tense..not to other people..i'm Not good In scOlding PeoplE..but Still..egegeg..it is very hard for me to HAte peOPle..what EVa he/she did..all is forgiven..so nice huh..:P..i'm a duLL perSon.. shy & quite at first..out-going once u get to know me..sarcastic at times..patient..friendly..a good listener..adventurous..hate being bored..love perFume,cloThes..laughing is good..shopping is good..sleeping is good 2 ;)..
Nawwar Izyan was
a Snooty Rocket Scientist
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