Hello! Thank you for visiting my profile!
My name is Brian and I have a few questions for you...
Is this the theme song of your life? Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock...
I can understand. It use to be the theme song of my life too. I would live in a constant state of rush - from one moment to the next - I was never fully present in any of those moments however. My mind was always wandering into the next corporate meeting, work day or my to-do list.
There's an old saying, that says, "Today was the tomorrow you worried about yesterday." The majority of the things we worry about never happen. There's a way out of this cycle of constant worry. Read on!
Where are you? What time is it? Are you here-now and fully present? Or are you thinking about the argument you had with your boss, coworker or spouse this morning? Are you constantly replaying how that "important" event should have gone yesterday? Are you already mentally rehearsing next weeks corporate meeting? So much of the population is living an "I'll be happy when _______" (fill in the blank) life. When was the last time you stopped doing - that is racing against time - and started just being (still) long enough to experience this moment as it is? In Christian theology the phrase for this is, "Be still and know that I Am God." The I Am is being one with all that is/exists. That's the only way to truly experience God - not through some egotistically driven man made/ man written book. Now is the only time you can be happy. In other words if you live within this moment (any moment that you live in is now) - not in mind manufactured future projections and painful memories of the past - you'll find the only true happiness - inner peace.
Do you realize the empowerment that your emotions steal from you when you hold in anger and regret or fear a moment that you are not yet living within? Fear is an acronym for False Expectations Appearing Real - and is the wrong use of imagination. All negative emotions drain you of vital energy, inner peace and joy. All of them are caused by attachments to the future or past. This is often referred to as "pasting" or "nexting". Until you live in a state of conscious awareness your emotional mind has a headstart on your rational mind in every situation you encounter. This means you live reactively in every situation if you have not yet become consciously aware. Many people also live on a subconscious level by believing the stories they tell themselves without investigating for truth. I urge you to investigate for truths before you believe what you tell yourself. What's true to a person may not always be the truth but may indeed be mind manufactured "truth". Of course this seems real to us and we stick by the stories we tell ourselves - yet it's these stories that cause us suffering and take away our peace and joy.
Albert Bandura, the founder of social cognitive theory came to a conclusion that we make our life direction choices from "reciprocal triadic determinism." Reciprocal triadic determinism conveys that there are three interrelated factors that direct our lives. These three factors are our thoughts, actions and surroundings. Our surroundings only influence our decisions. The final results of our life situations come from our internal dynamics - that is our thoughts.
In any risk management course you will learn there are basically four ways to reduce risk. Those ways are to control the risk, avoid the risk, reduce the risk or transfer the risk. The risk that can ruin this moment for you is what you think about this moment.
If you accept this moment for what it is you begin to control your experience of this moment. You can avoid negative thoughts by being aware of them - anytime you become aware you are no longer in a state of subconscious. This means you now have a choice to either continue thinking negative or to terminate negative thoughts. You can reduce both your exposure to what you perceive as negative situations and reduce the thinking you subconsciously do - the thinking that sneaks up on you and puts you at risk of being emotionally manipulated by others or emotionally operated from within. Lastly you can transfer thoughts. This means you can change the way you see things. For example there may be necesary lessons in bad situations that we can learn to build character. Lastly you don't have to believe everything you think. You can laugh at negative thoughts and then find the light within the situation. This is transferring negative thinking into realistic, creative thinking - so that you can begin to change the situation to go more favorably.
I've spent a solid year living in the most relaxed and elated state of joy - I had moments where I was affected by things going on... but only mere and quickly passing moments; nothing long lasting. The circumstances of my life situation within that year were not always smooth but as Eckhart Tolle says, "The situation is always neutral - it is your thoughts about the situation that make the situation good or bad." Or the way that Shakespeare put it, "Nothing is either good or bad, only thinking makes it so."
"What's wrong is always available, but so is what's right!" - Tony Robbins
"A pessimist will find the difficulty in any opportunity. An optimist will find the opportunity in any difficulty." - Sir Winston Churchill
Don't internalize external situations. Your life is internal and everything else, external to you, is your life situation. It's very important to know how to separate the two and not to confuse them.
When you begin to live this way you will suddenly realize that humanity itself has gone mostly mad. There is really no reason to let our emotions take control of us because opportunity never really ceases to exist, it merely changes form. In hard economic times employment may diminish in some fields but it always gains in others. When we let situations, in our lives, emotionally hijack us we pass these unnecessary emotions from ourselves to the next person - or several persons - we come into contact with. We're polluting our world with negative emotions and living life as if it were a race. While we seek external prizes that will never really make us happy we never look within to realize we already have this happiness but steal it from ourselves.
The only time we have is any moment we are in - NOW! Start being as present as you can within every moment you live.
Does this work? I am living proof that it does. I have the people in my life that provide my joy and support me in my endeavors - yet I attach myself to no goal or material item.
The whole idea of motivation is a trap. Forget motivation. Just be within this moment. How do you be within what you are doing? If it seems to flow through you from your strengths - that is if you enjoy what you do with enthusiasm - then you are being (yourself) within the doing. If you're doing what you love to do why would you need motivation to do it? This means you are no longer doing - you're being.
Now, let's briefly discuss your mind... if you're one of the people I've described above your mind is using you - you're not using it as the tool it is intended to be. You are its puppet. Don't fret there is a way out of this.
"You are not your mind" - Eckhart Tolle.
I know what you're thinking... "If I'm not my mind, who am I then?"
You are the awareness behind the thinking that your mind does. This means you are above thought and should become as aware, as you can, of every thought you think. This awareness will bring you into presence. Presence, or consciousness, is when you are fully within the moment. When you're conscious you can control your breathing, blinking and what you choose to think about. Think of this as free will.
"Know yourself to be the changeless witness of the changeful mind. Your mind is interested in what happens, while you (the awareness - when awakened) should be interested in the mind itself. The child is after the toy, but the parent watches the child, not the toy." - Sir Nisargadatta Maharaj.
Think of your situations as weather. Your awareness can become a fixed point that can withstand most of the weather that passes through. A heavy rock will remain at the bottom of a stream as the water rapidly passes it by. A tree grows into the ground as well as above the ground so that it can withstand wind, rain and hail. We can train our awareness to be at a fixed point, like the tree or the rock, even though everything within this universe is in a constant state of flux. This, my friend, is inner peace.
If you'd like to know how to live fully within this moment contact me and I'll discuss this with you - as I feel it is much easier to teach on an interactive level than a one-sided message. It's not a difficult thing to learn by any means but there are almost always questions along the way.
Learn that you don't have to believe everything that you think, which is most often an influenced thought from something outside yourself - the media (newspaper, radio, television, Internet, other people and so on). Think for yourself, from a place that is above thought - the awareness within you. Call it intuition, instinct or whatever you want. Blindly and deafly believing outside sources, without investigating them, is below thought - because you haven't thought about these issues at all. You've simply chosen to believe them.
"The only thing I know for certain is that I know nothing for certain" - Socrates
So, now a little about my functions - but not my role...
I'm 35 years old. I was born in the Buffalo, New York area and just recently moved to the Knoxville, Tennessee area to see more of my daughter, who moved here with my ex on Valentine's Day 2003. I'm very happily married to a wonderful and beautiful woman, named Dawn. She's my new beginning, in life and the reason you see a rising Sun on this page - the light and positivity of a new day, a new beginning, Dawn!
I am the father of 2 beautiful children, Angelaura, who is 10 years old and David, who is 2 years old.
Angelaura is an honor student and is highly talented. She seems to be able to accomplish anything she attempts.
David is learning fast and getting into everything he can possibly get his little hands on but he's incredibly smart and creative.
I am currently doing temp work in the Knoxville area, I am however studying to help people be free of their minds and the dominant control that others seek (through their ego) to have over them.
With me the glass is neither half full or half empty. It's simply twice as tall as it needs to be (click this for an explanation). I live this perspective because I am comfortable with loving life to the fullest, every moment in the here and now - just as it is, because all of my past choices have created the life I now live and love. I work to be my personal best and to inspire those around me, with passion on fire, to create the very same reality for themselves.
I don't drink, smoke or do any drugs. Those are things that alter your awareness away from being your authentic self and I believe in being 100% responsible, 100% of the time. That means I have a clear mind and do my own thinking every conscious present second, as it comes to pass. There is no distortion from my authentic self and I am a slave to no external substance. I am above the influence of anything. I do not judge or condemn anyone who relies on such things to get by, I simply encourage everyone to live to their highest quality of life, free of any and all influences so that they too may enjoy the same greatness life itself has to offer.
I love talking with people, who are open minded to optimism (In other words you can be a pessimist, as long as you are trying to find optimism in your life). The form of optimism I teach is about the now and the soon to be now - givng your best now so that when the next moment comes you can build upon this one. I love people with a sense of humor and intellectuals.
"Better to light a candle, than to curse the dark."
"Those who gaze at the sun see no shadows."
- Proverbs
Saturday Night Live - Couric / Palin Open - Almost The Exact Thing That Did Happen.
Embed Great Saturday Night Live Videos!
Embed Great Saturday Night Live Videos!
This is almost an exact reinactment of the real interview in parts. Very funny!!!