With which great bass player do you most identify?
James Jamerson
Motown bassist who brought slapping to bass playing. Berry Gordy insisted on Jamerson being on almost every Motown recording.
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What Is Your Battle Cry?
S printing amidst the tundra, clutching a vorpal blade, cometh Josh Vaughn! And he gives a mighty bellow:
"I'm seriously going to pound you into the danger zone, and hit you with a steamroller!"
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Konstantine Egor Lebedev What's Your Russian Name?body{ background-color:rgb(90,69,52); background-image:url Currently, I am teaching private lessons at Royalton Music Center in N. Royalton and Brunswick, OH. I have about 25 students four days a week. I teach primarily percussion, brass, and bass guitar. I also work part time in the music store as a sales associate and I also do minor repairs on brass and guitars. I am married to a beautiful woman named Amanda. We met at college, fell in love, and will be married 4 years this December. Life is good and God has blessed.