HXC, GRINDCORE SHIT, Rap 7 Front War underneath the gun xliferuinerx Cholera Among A Fallen Casket Frozen Water Burial ABACINATE Preschool Tea Party Massacre Pillar of Fate XBound In Bloodx Stick to your guns N.W.A I Shot The Sheriff Eazy_E Immortal technique Fatality HOW TO DISMANTLE A PLAGUE Sean Sellers you breathe like a machine Her demise my rise kill whiney dead THROWNANDBLOWN Benath The Sky Oceano ivebeenshot The Final Burden Final Goodbye Unite And Conquer Yorkshire Manor too pure to die SICCMADE as blood runs black belay my last black my heart one shot one kill blessed is she Danceclub massacre Hooker In The Morgue This Aint Your Grandpas Rifle Return of the Blind Elysia job for a cowboy Suffokate War from a harlots mouth wecamewithbrokenteeth waking the cadaver suicide silence winds of plauge all shall perish a black rose burial L.I.O.N 13killings through the eyes of the dead xAFBx US VS. SHOTGUN O' Captain! My Captain! misericordiam knights of the abyss arsonists get all the girls 1mark 1mission emmure At All Costs The Warriors Antagonist ANIMOSITY Annotations of an autopsy Bloodstained Memories NEVER ENDING WAR impending doom Impossible is nothing(dead by 21) APEX The Irish Front Myraand more...
My Code post in bulletin he got deleted at 13k he pc4pc w4w talks to everyoneADD HIM