Hi, I'M DIttO and i was born in Kissimmi Florida, But now i live in South Euclid with my dad. I pretty much grew up in Ohio, but it's not that great. There's alot of drama, and i hate drama. I love Florida alot, My mom and my older brother Anthony live there. But either than all that, I like to play BASKETBALL ALL THE TIME, and i also play football.Im a really nice person, but if i dont like you, you will definitely know.In this world you cant trust anyone! And when you do, they stab you in the back, Yeah i have my friends, but seriously i dont believe in best friends, cause you never know wat there gonna do. I guess you just gotta go with the flow and take one day at a time, You only live once so enjoy it while u can! My two quotes are Only God Can Judge Me, and Live life to the fullest.
"aS wE gRoW uP, wE LeArN tHaT eVeN tHe OnE pErSoN tHaT wAsN't SuPpOsEd To EvEr LeT yOu DoWn PrObAbLy WiLL. yOu WiLL hAvE yOuR hEaRt BrOkEn PrObAbLy MoRe ThAn OnCe AnD iTs HaRdEr EvErY TiMe. yOu'LL bReAk HeArTs ToO, sO rEmEmBeR hOw iT FeLt WhEn YoUrS WaS bRoKeN. yOu'LL FiGhT WiTh YoUr BeSt fRiEnD.
yOu'LL bLaMe A nEw LoVe FoR tHiNgS aN oLd OnE DiD. yOu'LL cRy BeCaUsE TiMe iS pAsSiNg ToO fAsT, aNd yOu'LL eVeNtUaLLy LoSe SoMeOnE yOu LoVe. So TaKe ToO mAnY PiCtUrEs, LaUgH tOo MuCh, aNd LoVe LiKe YoU'vE nEvEr bEeN hUrT bEcAuSe EvErY 60 sEcOnDs YoU sPeNd UpSeT iS a MiNuTe Of hApPiNeSs yOu'LL nEvEr GeT bAcK!!..Layout Provided By FreeCodeSource.com - Myspace LayoutsEye-Talian
Why do Italians hate Jehovah's Witnesses?
Because Italians hate all witnesses.Do you know why most men from Italy are named Tony?
On the boat over to America they put a sticker on them that said - TO NY.You know you're Italian when . . . . You can bench press 325 pounds,
shave twice a day and still cry when your mother yells at you.You carry your lunch in a produce bag because you can't fit
two cappicola sandwiches, 4 oranges, 2 bananas and pizzelles
into a regular lunch bag.Your mechanic, plumber, electrician, accountant,
travel agent and lawyer are all your cousins.You have at least 5 cousins living in the same town or on the same block..
All five of those cousins are named after your
grandfather or grandmother.You are on a first name basis with at least 8 banquet hall owners.You only get one good shave from a disposable razor.If someone in your family grows beyond 5' 9",
it is presumed his Mother had an affair.There were more than 28 people in your bridal party.You netted more than $50, 000 on your first communion.. . . . . . .And you REALLY, REALLY know you're Italian when . . .Your grandfather had a fig tree.You eat Sunday dinner at 2:00.Christmas Eve . . . only fish.Your mom's meatballs are the best.You've been hit with a wooden spoon or had a shoe thrown at you.Clear plastic covers on all the furniture.You know how to pronounce "manicotti" and "mozzarella."You fight over whether it's called "sauce" or "gravy."You've called someone a "mamaluke."And you understand "bada bing".
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