art/music, coffee and ciggarettes, independant thought. robots. imagination. mental disorders, the invisable and untouchable, paint, ink. sedation inebriation, and intoxication. instability. frued, feeling and the corresponding thoughts. corner dwellers. insomniacs, writers. merry-go-rounds
24 hour creaters, a girl i can paint/draw and watch cartoons with. minds astray, the doomfull, the active. spanish speakers. mixed mouths. tounges of blood, spitting bitches and toxic poketdots. the exempted. the wanderous and pondersome.
The Killer Pandas
Add to My Profile | More Videos t-rex, elliot smith, enon, cat power, you and i, placebo, rush, jethro tull, lali puna, air, portis head, blond redhead, dimemberment plan, zoinks!, catatonia, the moldy peaches, the cure, joy division, radiohead, hood, camera obscura, when unicorns attack, the unicorns, shellac, death cab, belle and sabastion, patrick wolf, the subtonixs, le tigre, sparklehorse, cranberries, coalesce, fantamos, red light sting, the causey way, thingy, pinback, engine down, ani defranco, bjork, loveage, beatles, velvet underground, mars volta, violent femmes, weakerthans, davandhra banheart, rainer maria,rouge way, joanna newsom, kimya dawson, adam green, the merry go round, the scoprien men, citris catollogy. etc.
dada and surrealism, the princess and the warrior, the lost boys of sudan, gummo, julian donkey boy, donnie darko, pepi-luci-baum, city of god, fear and loathing, party monster, triplets to belleville, run lola run, eternal sunshine, henry fool, mystery train, requim for a dream, dancer in the dark, edward scissor hands, princess bride, usuall suspects, fight club, bowling for columbine, he loves me he loves me not, dazed and confused, a beautifull mind, basquiat, pollock, etc.
useless instument used in stealing independent thought and creativity, thus unleashing the ignorance of all. A daily advantage for those who have nothign to do!!!!!!!!!!!
vurt, a permanant midnight, perv-a love story, wake up and smell the cofee, breakfast of champions, fingerpainting on the moon, plane insanity, Comics, star reach, akira, kabuki, black kiss, meat cake. etc.
Alf, basquiat, pacasso, mark ryden, pollock, dali, diane arbus, paul ruebens, van gogh, bjork, kimya dawson, bettie page, ZIM, kabuki, star reach clonedroids.