Turn up the music, I HAVE SMALL EARS!
Ones i have to think about, I like blunt and chezzy movies on ocation.
"We have such great thoughts but someone has already revised it in a more powerfull way so for the sake of the human race lets explane ourselves and get people to think. Stop being so lazy and think in a way you havent thought before. its so eazy if you don't think to much. It is realy refreshing. If you are a.... think in the oppeset of mind and know they are just the same people but are just diferent because of different people they know and hang out with, a different time of day that just might have made it a little more powerfull, Every little thing we do makes ourselvs; so stop judging or segragating, We are all hear at this time. Lets think positive and get together."
Pop out to may face books!!!!!
Any one person who can get what they want