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About Me

Hi everybody,
 this is me... born in 1984, I love dance music, smiling people, chips and pizza, travelling, acting, my friends, my family (also my bro Jordan ) and know new people.

I work at Off Limits Production , Italy's leading dance music production company.

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My Interests

Ma se l’arte deve essere iniettata dentro i nostri spazi, nel mondo reale, circondarci ed entrare perfino dentro di noi allora sarà il suono – per definizione una vibrazione nello spazio – a costituire il mezzo migliore per raggiungere tale scopo

I'd like to meet:

I'm really looking for these two guys... I love them! If you know one of them (or both) just drop me a message!

The original song is "Tu es foutu" - In-Grid

I also want to find this amazing monkey!!

Ehy Friends, those are the links to my best-friends' blogs. I've shared with them so much time and so many adventuries... I really love them from the bottom of my heart. Take a look to their cool italian blogs!
Gaetano 's blog
Tati 's blog (One Tati, two neurons)
Tondo 's blog (Different Blog, different person)
Tractor 's blog (Ciò che penso... ciò che vedo)
Gabba 's website


..:: About the track you're listening ::..

I was a very little girl the first time I heard this song. "Drinkin in L.A." has followed me during those years.

I absolutely love dance music... but I have to say that Royksopp, Keane, Motorcycle, Depeche Mode, Subsonica and Jamboree have found a place in my heart! For sure, I love Off Limits Production :-)


All the animation movies by Pixar, but Monster & Co is absolutely my favourite one.
I also fall in love with CINEMA PARADISO and MEDITERRANEO.


It was hard to find out this video. Hope you'll enjoy it as I did. That's a piece of Dance Music that you can not miss.


I Promessi Sposi (Manzoni)
Molto dopo Mezzanotte (Bradbury)
Ti prendo e ti porto via (Ammaniti)
Branchie (Ammaniti)
Fango (Ammaniti)


Homer Simpson and my daddy!

My Blog

Cumpagnia Dal Surbét

Pictures say all!!www.cumpagniadalsurbet.net (I'm so sorry, but the website is only in italian).Feel free to meet us and sign the guestbook!Take care,Leti...
Posted by Leti on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 12:27:00 PST