Reading, movies, the arts, talking with friends.
People who are at a similiar point in there life, who are easy going and don't expect alot from people. Someone who is just as comfortable spending time talking, as well as going out and having a blast.
Mainly alternative rock, with different things mixed in. Just about anything with a good beat and rythem.
Action, sci-fi, fantasy, and anything with a good plot. Not adverse to watching "chick fliks" if its with the right girl.
Smallville, the Simpsons, Family Guy, and Invader Zim. I love Gir... (Invader Zim referance)
Mainly fantasy. Arthurian legends, Wheel of Time, Sword of Truth, Song of Ice and Fire, etc. Also kind of into sci-fi. Read the whole Dune series, though it gets tedius after the third book.
My mom. Definately. She is a strong woman who doesn't back down. Wish I could be more like her. Well, except for the woman part, anyways.