Art, Art History, Graphic Design, Coloring, Coffee, Comics, Reading, Music
I think I'm looking for people who can understand that I dont know where I'm going, and realize they probably wont be able to help... Maybe deep down what I really want is to find that one person who can help. Seems sometimes its just a stuggle in impossibility.
JSRF Soundtracks, Beck, Moby, Cake, Soul Coughing, Splashdown, Gorrillaz, Bjork, Venus Hum
The Breakfast Club, Amelie, Pulp Fiction, Edward Scissor Hands.. and probably more I cant think of.
The Bread Givers by Anzia Yezierska. Frankenstein by Mary Shelly... those two are the only two favorites of mine that can come to my mind.
... I have heroes? Wow. Go me.