I like Harvesting big melons.
Kelly Clarkson and H.M. Murdock
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Reflector, 12 Frets of Fury, COC
The one where the big guy comes down from space and kills all the monsters with the help of the hot, innocent looking girl with the big booty. Then at the end he burned this mark on her that looks like the letter T burned on someone’s face but I think it really meant BADASS in alien talk. Man......that was a good movie!!
I like sitting in little blow up pools, on hot days, eating ice cream while I splash water around with my feet and sing songs.
Butterflies in the sky. I can fly twice as high. Just take a look, it’s in a book. I know you’re singing it by now.
The air conditioner.I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4