Hey Y'all!
I'm Holly. I like to sing. I like to write. I like to put the two together. My first CD project came out in 2003 called, "Throw Out The Net." Of course, I was proud of it (flaws and all), like a good first time mom. But now, I can't wait to add a sibling and am laboring over the content for the second child now....
I also have this crazy TV gig that I stumbled onto in 2006. I co-host a segment called "It" Moms on a show called Better TV. In Portland, Oregon we are on Wed. mornings at 9:00am on KPTV......but the show is national so look for it in markets all across the country! You can also check it out on the www.better.tv website. Just click on the "It" Moms channel. We are also part of Parents TV, (www.parents.tv), that airs on Comcast VOD. The "better" and the "parents" come from the same people who put together nice little magazines like: Better Homes and Gardens, Parents magazine, Ladies Home Journal, Family Circle, Country Home, American Baby, More, Siempre Mujer, Fitness, Traditional Home....just to name a few! I love working with such an awesome brand and so many creative people!
I have a website, which is very "hip and now." You can checkity-check it out at www.hollyresnick.com (that's my name, with a dot com behind it... I thought it was clever.)
Besides the song "Lifeline", all the songs on my "space" are new and roughly recorded demos....thanks for seeing the potential... Blessings!