+*_~Quilan~_*+ profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

I am 19 and was born and still live in Oregon. I am about 6 feet tall, and skinny with blue eyes, and dirty blond hair. (I am single, and looking) I can be shy, but sometimes outgoing. I am a musician, and run computer business (I am the owner). I work at your local McMinnville Wal-mart currently I work in Pharmacy (as of 3-24-08). I am an Eagle Scout in the Boy Scout program, and damn proud of it. I like to live life as it comes. I love wildlife, including wild animals. I want to maybe pursue a career in zoology. As you all might know I am a politician and ran for Mayor of the small town of Dayton in the November 2006 Election. I only lost by a little, and I plan to get more involved in politics as time goes by.Few know this, but along time ago when I was 12 years old I was shot in the eye with a rock by a wrist rocket. I will save you all of the details, but anyway, so I lost almost all of my vision in my right eye, all I have basically A giant black spot and I can barely see around the edges, of the black spot. Anyway, so if my eyes look funny in my pics, it’s due to injury.
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My Interests

I am a musician; I also love to work on computers from time to time. I like to bike, and hike. I would love to travel the world. I love drama, I am working on some acting skills, I was a techie at my high school during my last 2 years I was there!! Techies Rock!! Someday I dream of opening my own theater somewhere and/or witting my own play.

I'd like to meet:

I love to meet new people, I enjoy sitting down and chatting with them to get to know them better. I would love to meet god, or Jesus, but that can wait for when I die. I would love to meet some of those great people in history, and people that share common interests in the things I do. I need to get out more so I can meet new people...
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I like all music types, EXCEPT RAP. I am willing to listen to any bands out there, if they seem like they know what music is... lol but I am not picky. I am not a fan of modern country ether, but I like classics like Johnny Cash, etc. I have played the clarinet and the saxophone for 8 years or so, and love music and have a respect for anyone who puts there music out there.


I am not a picky movie person. I HATE HARRY POTTER!!! I will watch basically any movie. I am not a huge fan of westerns, though. I have a love for musicals because I know that it takes so much work to put them together, and they all have such a deeper meaning that can only be told through music. Some of my favorite musicals are Rent, Hairspray, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Phantom Of The Opera, Mary Poppins, The Sound of Music, etc. (I am sure I forgot something but I could go for hours) I also love Horror movies, and movies that are creepy, or leave me thinking. That list of movies could go on forever. Some action movies that I love are V for Vendetta, The Matrix trilogy, Constantine, etc.... I also liked August Rush, and many more I just forgot the titles too...


I watch TV when I can. Anything works for me!! I like adult swim shows. I love Family Guy, The Simpsons, Futurama, The Office, South Park, ETC.... but I can't remember all of them at this exact second. I love anime, but not the stuff put on TV here in America, most of that crap is way to edited. I prefer stuff that is in the original form. Then its easier to follow, and shows the true way the artist wanted the anime to be.


Well I can't name any favorite, but I like many different books, I like mysteries, or real stories stuff like that. I love books that catch my eyes and my attention just by reading the back cover or the first chapter.


My brother was a marine and is also a veteran from Iraq. He came back after serving in Ramadi, Iraq. He is also the first one in the family to get married, and he is a great father to 3 (soon to be 4) kids. I look forward to continuing to learn from him. My grandpa is also a hero me because he was a marine, and He served in Vietnam, and Korea. He also saves President Nixon’s life well Nixon was at a beach house. My grandpa and my grandma are my heroes, because they help inspire me to seek my future careers and exposed me to the Wildlife Safari, and to politics. They are a great example of people who serve god and there community before they do themselves. They never think twice when opportunity knocks, and have always been there for all there family. They have helped the family through hard times, and never asked for anything in return. I someday hope I can be just like them. They are my inspiration in life. My dad and mom are awesome, and have been there to help me get through my life, from birth. They have taught me the skill I am using now to survive on my own. I know that if I called in a emergency, or in a panic, that any one of my family members that could get here would be there.

My Blog

Bank Rant..... Those Bastards......

So as you all know, I love to rant about people and diffrent aspects life and the crap I run into. Well.... I just so happen to have had the crappiest day today... I got fucked over once again, and I ...
Posted by +*_~Quilan~_*+ on Sat, 24 May 2008 10:44:00 PST

Rant! Work Life!

Rant! Work Life! Work Life! (Last Updated 4-14-08) So as you know I work at Wal-Mart. Yeah it's a corp., and it has a bad name for it being a corp., but I don't mind it over all. The job pays well ...
Posted by +*_~Quilan~_*+ on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 04:32:00 PST


So in the last week, two people that I work with have been dealt some devastating news. One has lost a spouse, and one was told that their cancer has returned and nothing can be done for them. Its rea...
Posted by +*_~Quilan~_*+ on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 07:49:00 PST

This is whats in my mind.... Take it or leave it.

This is what's in my mind.... Take it or leave it. I have to say, this is going to be a different kind of blog. Like no other I have written. I feel like I need to write my thoughts down. It's kind of...
Posted by +*_~Quilan~_*+ on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 01:48:00 PST

True Love

True LoveBy QuilanLove is a sacrifice and also a gift. Its something you should want, but also be willing to give in return. Love is an emotion, an attitude, and a feeling. You can't buy love or fake ...
Posted by +*_~Quilan~_*+ on Sun, 09 Dec 2007 02:56:00 PST

Stupid people abusing Myspace...

First off if you don't like rants or angry people because you're weak or dumb... then quit reading this. I am so sick and tired of people being dumb and posting stupid bulletins, but when important st...
Posted by +*_~Quilan~_*+ on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 12:46:00 PST

Immaturity of this world shocks me....once again....

Immaturity of this world shocks me....once again.... Rant Number 1!! By Quilan Dutton 1-20-07 (Updated 3-1-07) You know this is going to be a rant, because every time I go to school, I really try ...
Posted by +*_~Quilan~_*+ on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 10:50:00 PST