REVIEWS OF 'SKIN"Arpegiating intro on the acoustic moved the song out of the ordinary, and anytime you show individuality in songwriting like this, you definitely earn points in my book, for whatever that's worth.I liked the chorus - the dynamic shift from the verse made it extremely interesting to listen to. The delay in the rhythm guit, and the raw emotion behind the vocal reminded me a lot of U2 in their Daniel Lanois days, which is a compliment.Good luck, guys - good work.Extra Credit: Mood.- cshawn
Whittier, California
There is a definate Bono quality in the singers voice. But not too close that it doesn't have a personality of its own. The chorus has a great melody. Good songwriting. From the lyrics, to the singer, and the not-so-obvious dynamics of the song.Extra Credit: Male Vocals, Melody.- joelmercadosee
Houston, TexasI really enjoyed the way the instuments build up at the begining.The vocals are wicked, I love that sort of 'breaking' sound.I really enjoyed this pieceExtra Credit: Mood.- Duggan
Middlesbrough, Teesside, United KingdomREVIEWS OF "MADELINE"This song has an amazing story.I REALLY liked the lyrics,the vocals were good and so were the guitar riffs.This song has alot of potential!!!
Reviewed by: elvis123 from Ajax/Oshawa, Ontario, CanadaI like the groove this sets up from the beginning. I like the sparse use of the guitar on the verses. Sometimes minimal works better. I like the verse about the rain..brain..all about you. Clever lyrics. It's rare i listen to the words. It's a pretty decent love song without being cheesy. Nice job. The stoned/student loan bit is good as well. This is good. I'm gonna download it.
Reviewed by: ENoodle from Columbus, OhioIt's a well written song for rock. The lyrics tell a story most people can relate to about a bad news type relationship.The vocalist reminds me of hte singer from Better Than Ezra. He has a good vocal presence, as in he's not afraid of the mic, and performs with emotion.The verse/pre-chorus/hook arrangement is pretty standard. There were no surprises here. I wish there were a surprise or two. Maybe change a verse into a bridge somehow. It would certainly help keep it interesting for the listener.It's good that the hook is within the first 1:30 seconds of the tune, to keep folks listening, and get it stuck in their head early.As I said, it's a catchy tune. I can already feel it stuck in my head. So hat's off guys.Extra Credit: Male Vocals.- AmericanSly
Fredericksburg, Virginia
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