On a Monday afternoon in a living room in Austin, TX, four musicians got together to discuss starting a side project for a new creative outlet. Thirty minutes later they had already written their first song. Realizing how rare that kind of chemistry was, Chris Kline, Justin Pollard, Michael Tarabay and Alex Weeden made plans for the following Monday. Though they all lived in the same part of Austin, they had to fight through busy touring schedules to meet, exchange ideas, and record new songs. Each meeting they were stunned at how well their unique talents fit together to produce an endless flow of ideas. Over the next few months the identity of the band took shape and the songs came together one by one. They were recorded with bare bones recording gear, most in the same living room of the initial discussion, but the talent is unmistakable.
What started as a Monday meeting has developed into a sound. This is a collection of the first ten songs by Satellite.