who I am in Christ my family, Rocky and kids
Well, I've already met the most important people in my life...Jesus, my Savior, my awesome husband, Rocky, my three beautiful children - one still to go(I know I will meet her just not yet, thank you), Dr Christian & Dr Robin Harfouche, the man and woman of God that I have the honor of discipling under, and of course all of you that are reading this right now. I just thought of someone, someones life who has been changed all the way accross the world when they saw my testimony on Miracles Today tv program.
MFC Band, there is nobody like them in the world. My friend Tammy Byler- she's on myspace check her out! I like others too but these are my favorites!
50 First Dates, The Goonies, Knights Tale, Narnia, The Sound of Music, French Kiss, Everafter, Tommy Boy, the Harry Potter movies Fat Guy in A little Coat
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don't really have time but I enjoy watching LOST on dvd
The #1 selling book - The Bible (in case you did't know), Abundance by Dr Christian Harfouche, True Love by Dr Robin Harfouche
My husband - his faith encourages me. He's so awesome! Also, Jesus Christ because He did what no man would or could ever do for me!
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