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People who are not afraid of their feelings, people who believe in themselves, love to make friends who knows the value of truth and respect, integrity , dignity, humble.., I will like to have a friend who is hardworking like me, means "Smartworking".Love sports, traveling, & education. Someone that can be able to teach me things which I don't know etc., to have the same future vision... a style="vertical-align:middle" href="http://www.slide.com/msnew/ticker?cid=7205759404552438 6&cy=ms&tt=17&at=0"
WOW... I love music & dance.. one of my fabolus way of expresing myself..(: Russia Pop/Folk , British Rock n Roll/Alternative,Italian/French Pop.One of my favorite it's Lounge Music Collection of "Buddha Bar" from France,by great DJ Claude Challe & Ravin.Sit back and enjoy the ride through the magical universe, it's timless and without boundries an atmosphere where space is filled with beauty, sweetness, and Love's serenity.It takes you on a Voyage to discover the mysticism and rythmns of the World..
Back in Moscow I had over 300 movies in my collection, I started one in USA , few of them :"Gone with the Wind", "The Passion of the Christ", " The Godfather","Once upon a Time in America","Road to Perdition","Tears of the Sun","The Inside man","Lucky number sleven","Saint","Jackie Brown","Wild Orchid". Also love classic cinematography of Russian, French, British and American Directors, there is so many .....
Try not to watch, but do enjoy if I catch "House", "That 70's show",History chanel, VH-1, MTV, BET.
I'm working on my personal development always. "Bible" , "Think & Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill, "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" by T.Harv Eker, "Unlimited Wealth" by Paul Zane Pilzer, "Rich Dad , Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki,"War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoi.
Everyone who putts God's Kingdom interests first.My mom, people, who think big and grow rich in everything they want with out allowing "dream stealer's" get in their brain “Lord, grant that I may always desire more that I can accomplish". "I can get everything in life I want if I help enough other people get what they want".Zig Ziglar