x b e a k y x profile picture

x b e a k y x

live like u'll never die, love like u've never been hurt and dance like no one is watching

About Me

this summer is going to be awesome!
the ice-cream
the waterfights
the suntans
the bikinis
the flip-flops
it signals the end of school. our last day ever. EVER. which is kinda scary...makes you realise how much you have to change before moving away from home.
zante '07 with the girlies..
here's to the cocktails, the people, the sun, the sea and the hangovers.
i have amazing friends..they put up with me when im stressy, make me smile when im sad and laugh so much my insides hurt. We have crazy adventures..to the woods, eating mushrooms and jelly together as a midnight feast, and in to town.
also there's a boy who kinda makes me smile...hes the kind of boy you hope you'll find but sometimes it seems like you never will
add me if u wana [email protected] Layout made by imaxxfakex3
Your Porn Star Name Is...
Glory Hole What's Your Porn Star Name?

You Are Sex On the Beach

When comes to drinking, you like it to go down smooth.
You really don't like the taste of alcohol - just its effect on you.
So, you're proud to get drunk on fruity, girly drinks.
Because once you're liquored up, the fun begins! What Alcoholic Drink Are You? becs --
Sexually stunning
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com