Abandon Hope,..
All Ye Who Enter This Dark Abode
_________________________In Darkness, There Can Be Light
In Misery, There Can Be Beauty
In Death, There Can Be Life
~Pans Labyrinth
------------I am a metal bassist and former pirate metal FM radio station operator (www.myspace.com/rattlehead_wmtl) turned doom and gloom writer. I believe in nothing but death, for it is the only SURE thing in this damned existence called life. PAIN is my only friend for it makes me stronger and is the most familar to me. I am politically incorrect and socially unaccepted. I start my day off with this simple phrase,..SCREW this World and FUCK the POLICE. My writings reflect the reasons for my awesome outlook on life. If you are daring enough to dwell within the dark corners of my mind,.. then dig deep into my blog,.. for it is full of psalms brought forth by true suffering, sorrow and hateful vengence. If you have read this so far and still have irons guts enough to want to know me better,.. then I welcome you to MY HELL with open arms and slit wrist I started this page with intentions of it simply being a vessel of pre-promotional advertisement for a book I am attempting to write called 'Vampirese Petite'. But it has developed into much more for me. Not only is it now a forum for my dark and demonic controversial novel and my poetry of death, suicide and unfathomed sorrow,.. but it has also developed into a release of sorts for the morbid depression I am experiencing from some fucked up shit that happened in my life in the last couple of years. Instead of letting the unfortunate events get the best of me,..which would have led to my eventual demise,.. I decided to channel the negative energy I was feeling into different aspects of writings. You will find these writings in my blog in the form of dark poetry ranging from anger, suicide and doom/gloom,.. to short reflections of the real life horrors infecting my thoughts daily. Along with these,.. in my blog,. you will also find the poetry and excerpt from my book, 'Vampirese Petite'. Mordrus Burdon is the lead male character of my book. I created this MySpace page in his 'personality'. But I must be honest,.. Mordrus and I are a LOT alike. We have the same taste in a lot of the things you will find on this page. It is up to you,.. to decide which is of Mordrus,.. and which is of myself,..If you even give a fuck,.. please add one of my banners below to your page
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