cohni profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

about me... i like the color green and pink. im into chocolates.. ass in.... i dont smoke ( i hate the smell..) and dont drink. ( hate the taste) a home buddy.. i seldom go out and party (quite opposite sako hunny..) i admit that im still the conservative deeply spiritual and religious...i love listening to music, would enjoy singing to my fave tunes but i guess it is only my mom that can really appreciate my voice (ganon?!)...i treasure friendships and pihikan ako when it comes to befriending people... i am geniunely caring to my closest friends.. i tend to spoil my brother to pieces (for reasons i dont know)...i can go extremes... at times i can be the most prudent person u'll know... there are also times that i can also be extravagant....people say that im a snob & maldita ( they just don't know that d ko kbaw mangaway. not unless if im provoked..), reklamadora(kung mag drive , i guess -- dba hunn?!!), and all those stuff, but honestly, if you have the chance to get to know me, im not at all that.... i can say that im the complete contradictory of the saying: first impressions last. other people just tends to be judgemental. give me time, and ill prove to you my worth.. Ü

My Interests

friends, music, tv, eating, SLEEPING, talking, malling, chocolates, BUTTERCUP..and most of all, my JAMÜ!!!!

I'd like to meet:

WALLACE HUO, BRANDON BOYD..... and all my stc friendzies!!!! hail theresians!!!! Ü


alanis morissette, plumb, liz phair, dishwalla, u2, smashing pumpkins, counting crows, duncan sheik, aaliyah, baby bash,twista, maroon 5, tonic, john mayer, jason mraz, kylie minogue, mariah carey, incubus, 3 doors down, fuel, nickelback, local : URBAN DUB & CATTSKI


crazy/beautiful, original sin, a beautiful mind, master and commander,


mtv!!!, friends, nick cartoons, etc.....


i really don't read books but i have read a few that includes... "the conjugal dictatorship of ferdinand and imelda marcos" by primitivo mijares; "positive imaging" by vincent peale; archie comics... hehehehe