Tim profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am currently living a rather somber existence as an adult.

My Interests

Baseball, golf, billiards, home brewing, running, lifting, avoiding cheese, reading. I thoroughly enjoy watching football, and Detroit playoff games. RPGs and CCG's also appeal to me.

I'd like to meet:

An equal.

Your results:
You are Superman Superman 80% Iron Man 70% Green Lantern 55% Hulk 55% The Flash 50% Spider-Man 45% Wonder Woman 45% Supergirl 45% Catwoman 45% Batman 45% Robin 25% You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz...


Rock, classic rock, opera, instrumentals, metal.


Guy movies, movies where people die, movies where love doesn't win, and cartoons, anything related to superheroes. And Red Dawn. Forgetting sarah marshall was the funniest movie I've seen in a long time. Ironman was the best movie I've seen in a long time. The new Indy was the biggest let down I've had since... joining myspace?


Adult Swim. Cartoons about Super Heroes, Stargate, Seinfeld. Ya know things smart people watch. And I don't mean the history channel.... Ok I also watch the History channel. I spend a lot of time watching the food network too, usually while working out. That doesn't make sense does it?


Fantasy. Sci Fi, Lovecraft. I read a lot. I own a bookcase. It's full, and spilling onto the floor. Where most people would buy a second bookcase, i just read whatever books won't fit.


Just 2.

My Blog

St paddy's day

This weekend I blew out my ankle, cut up my hand on a pistol, and ate a gargantuan sandwich from Jimmy John's.When asked if I would do it again, I prompy hit someone with a chair.
Posted by Tim on Mon, 20 Mar 2006 08:08:00 PST

Ok I actually use Livejournal

But I swear I'm not some Emo Twit. Really I'm not But My actual journal/blog
Posted by Tim on Tue, 27 Sep 2005 07:26:00 PST