keeping my head above water. keeping the people around me happy. trying to be a giver. trying even harder not to be a taker or a whiner.
Passionate people. LIVE all you can, see all you can see, be grateful for what you have and go with the wind...Because tomorrow isn't promised and today is a blessing. Also (and especially), laid back people who are just as loving as they are chill. I need to surround myself with people like that to even myself out. I'd also like to meet some people who are passionate about doing things for people other than themselves, because in the end, that's what really counts.
I seriously need a best friend... One who will be here in the drop of a hat when I'm having a girl crisis, because God knows I'm the type of person to be there when someone needs me. I can talk A LOT. I need someone I can gossip about cheesy things with, but someone who is kind and caring. I need someone to hang out with, without the guys. One who has high hopes, dreams big and can motivate me when I'm having a bad day. One who will go to coffee shops or new restaurants with me, even if it requires randomly driving to a different state for the night. I love my guys, but I am surrounded by them lately. I need to meet new people, therefore I am taking my profile off private. Send me a message, be my friend!
"Let us be grateful to people who make us smile. They are the charming gardeners who make our souls bloom."
--Marcel Proustdatman studios was here wl2
And, there are always these people.
amelie, donnie darko, the science of sleep,the shawshank redemption, high fidelity, eternal sunshine, finding nemo, patch adams, mannequin, teen wolf, how to lose a guy in 10 days,a knights tale, the truman show, empire records, juno, v for vendetta, garden state,etc.
house. bones. gilmore girls. bad mtv and vh1 reality. animal planet. the history channel. scrubs.
the Bible. every book imaginable.
currently reading "blue like jazz" and "the giver". yes, im a.d.d. but they help me keep my sanity.