mAsTer Mr faLiq.R.aDaM profile picture

mAsTer Mr faLiq.R.aDaM

.....W3lcOme to The Mystery touR.....

About Me

hmmm...what about me?.. I love music,art, travelling,good books,coffee, family, football, bass, work,life...Allah SWT is my saviour..Mohammed ibnu abdullah bin abdul mutalib is my idol..anytning else about me is for me to know and for u to find out... , MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

mUsiCs, mOviEs, booKs, soccer, red jack purcell, jam tangan omega, Fatboy Harley, roland phantom 8, gibson s.g, b.c rich's flying 'v', vintage cowboy shirt.

I'd like to meet:

Constantin Dimiris, Robert Langdon, Rachel Sexton,Don Corleone, Micheal Corleone, Cindirella, Snow White ,repunzel, john Lennon, jim morisson, george harisson, bob marley, p.ramlee, porn stars, rumpelstiltskin, king arthur, daeng chelak, daeng perani, gusti adipati, cikgu tadika tunku shahriah yg bawak kete Volkswagen colour kuning tu , cikgu mengaji sebelah umah bob kenyit,atan monyet yanti depan umah kacung... mostly the dead and fictional character lahh...hmmmm.. n God? Perhaps.... %)


aLL kiNdA of mUsiCS..... 4rom the beatles to DEWa tO thErioN.... juST namE iT....


tHe GOdfAThER, puLP fICtioN, HelP, sLEePerS,


tHaT 70's show, ThE SopRAnos, FriENdS, Ed


AlL bOOks bY john GRIshamS..... the slEePErs By LoreNzO carTEra..... KhaLil gIbrAn's ThE PrOphEtS... a LIttLe Bit oF sidneY SheLdon'S is FinE..... thE maStERpiEcE oF marIo PuZo...the GOdfatHer..Dan brown's da vinci's code.angel and demon's..


ym allahyarhamRajA aDam rAja MohAmEd and pN.poZiAH AbD KadIr

My Blog


barangkali, semuanya dah tertulis.. mungkin, tuhan lebih mengerti..maybe, what should be said is already heard..Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps..... agaknye laa kan...agaknye Same bukan?...
Posted by mAsTer Mr faLiq.R.aDaM on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 11:18:00 PST


..>..>..>..>..>..>..>..>..> ..>..>..> Music to hear, why hear'st thou music sadly? Sweets with sweets war not, joy delights in joy. Why lovest thou that which thou receivest not gladly, ...
Posted by mAsTer Mr faLiq.R.aDaM on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 02:28:00 PST