I made this layout with help from pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!
I made this layout with help from pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!
AlL AbOuT mE
Name: Heidi Gulli
birthdate: 20th of February 1988
orientation: straight
hometown: Bærum
school: Nesbru
Fave things to do: friends, gym, boyfriend, etc
fave people to be with: Madeleine, Nicolai
I Love: you!
fave saying: 'bæsj deg i trynet' (shit urself in the face)
virgin: thats for me to know
marital status: boyfriend, Nicolai
Origin: Norway
drink: yes
smoke: no
regrets: too much to be able to fit in here...
dreams: of summer..
you want your partner to be: like me, wierd...
fave food: tacos, i think
fave music: like almost everythin, dependin on the mood
fave restaurant: ehm.. dunnoo
fave place (would be): some place warm and sunny with a long white beach..
life is: GREAT!!
guys are: like...uhm.. lost the point..
girls are: great fun
family is: a good thing to have
work is: not the best
love is: one of the best things that can happen to a person.
I am: PrincessHeidi
G Great
U Useful
L Loving
L Luxurious
I Intelligent
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Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.comIm wierd, but I like being it, and Im from Norway, even worse.. Lol jks.. nahh, just to brag a bit, Norways voted the best country in the world to live in, so im pretty sure I'm livin a good life here I am in Bærum..
Well so thats life now....Get Your Own! | View Slideshow