Signing, Language, Photography, Editing, Filming, Books, Reading, Writing, Art, Gay stuff, Food, Music, Anime, Cartoons, Creativity, Technology, Games, Culture, Big Cities, Alcohol, Comedy, Intelligence, Philosophy, Spirituality, Jacking-off, LiveJournal, Human Sexuality, Chubbyness, Free-thinking, etc.
And you.
Oh yeah.
say hi
Drama, Comedies, True-stories, Chick-flicks, Cartoons, 3D, Action, Horror, Classics, etc.
Cartoon Network, VH1, IFC, Lifetime, Comedy Central, Fox, BBC, The N, FX, Bravo, WE, Oxygen, A&E, E!, Food Network, etc.
My Pet Virus, Miss Misery, Crank, Smack, Go Ask Alice, Wasted, The Joys of Gay Sex,The Four Agreements, Wicked, The Road Less Traveled, Plato Republic, etc.
My Mae for always being there for me. She is my support, my inspiration, and will forever remain my hero. She has overcome many obstacles and raised me on her own. I love her more than she knows. Thank you for loving me unconditionally, I appreciate you and love you always.