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Kurt St. Thomas

I am here for Networking

About Me

Hello. Welcome to my page. I'm back to the lame old school myspace page. Enjoy the boredom.
So, Who am I? That's an excellent question. I have no idea. I am a filmmaker, author, and disc-jockey. I love pizza, animals, and old cars.
THE WORLD FAMOUS KROQ 106.7 FM Los Angeles, California.
Streaming .. at kroq.com

On the air
Tuesday October 9 12am - 5am PT
Thursday October 11 12am - 5am PT
Saturday October 13 8am-12noon PT
Sunday October 14 3am-6am PT
Sunday October 14 12noon-5pm PT
tune me in...
"The book has an interesting structure as it is based largely on quotes from interviews with band members and others. Basically, most of the Nirvana tale is relayed with their own words (be it from Cobain, Novoselic, Grohl, or someone else relevant to the story). This is a bit of a risky way to approach the subject, but it works remarkably well because the quotes are meshed seamlessly with the authors own words. And, throughout the book, the quotes fit perfectly into the context." www.nirvanaclub.com
You can purchase "Nirvana: The Chosen Rejects" on Amazon or Barnes And Nobel .
Read a chapter in The Boston Phoenix .
Some of the Music Videos I have Directed: Brand New "The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows" , Kathleen Edwards "Back To Me" , MC Lars "Signing Emo" , Reel Big Fish "Monkey Man", Hot Rod Circuit "Save Me", Damone "Frustrated Unnoticed" , Lucky Boys Confusion "Hey Driver" , Northern State "At The Party" + "The Man's Dollar", 6gig "Hit The Ground" , Fanny Pack "Cameltoe" ,Read Yellow "The Art" + "Model America", As Fast As "Florida Sunshine" .
Listen to clips from NEVERMIND IT'S AN INTERVIEW
Kurt Cobain on smashing his guitar Kurt Cobain on being a stuntman Kurt Cobain on taking guitar lessons Krist Novoselic on Buzz Osbourne Krist Novoselic on the birth of the band Krist Novoselic on signing with Geffen Records Dave Grohl on lost songs Dave Grohl on moving to the Northwest Dave Grohl on misconceptions of Seattle
You can download and listen to the entire interview on The Breeders website.
You can listen to the entire interview on Rhapsody .
To read transcripts of these interviews, go to my blog section.

My Interests

movies, music, pizza

I'd like to meet:

Mostly dead people.


*Nirvana, Pixies, Queens Of The Stoneage, X, The Beatles, Wilco, Mozart, The Clash, The White Stripes, The Flaming Lips, The Velvet Underground, Al Green, The Strokes, The Breeders, GBV, Leadbelly, Soundgarden, Public Enemy, John Coltrane, Pell Mell, Spain, , Portishead, The Replacements, T Rex, Motorhead, Johnny Cash, Jimi Hendrix, New York Dolls, Dinosaur Jr., Black Sabbath, Sonic Youth, Marvin Gaye, PJ Harvey, Miles Davis, Portishead, Bernard Herrmann, Robert Johnson, Screaming Trees, AC/DC, Iggy Pop, AIR, Curtis Mayfield, Neil Young, Devo, Gomez, Charlie Christian, The Streets, Jeff Buckley, Radiohead, The Ramones, James Brown, Sex Pistols, Bob Dylan, Dead Kennedys, Bob Marley, Tom Waits, Howling Wolf, Ween, and many many more*


*Rear Window, Manhattan, High Noon, Grindhouse, Apocolypse Now, Pyscho, Raging Bull, The Birds, Spinal Tap, North By Northwest, The Kid Stays In The Picture, Steel Helmet, Pulp Fiction, Evil Dead II, Goodfellas, Blue Velvet, American Movie, Do The Right Thing, Touch Of Evil, Lost In America, Vertigo, Office Space, Cape Fear, American Beauty, Boogie Nights, Eraserhead, Slingblade, Dog Day Afternoon, Shaun Of the Dead, The Seventh Samurai, Box Of Moonlight, Lost In Translation, Grey Gardens, The Daytrippers, Hot Fuzz, Mullholland Drive, Carrie, Barry Lyndon, Sexy Beast, The Elephant Man, Welcome To The Dollhouse, Y Tu Mama Tambien, Barfly, Rosemary's Baby, Buffalo 66, Annie Hall, Fargo, Suspiria, Groundhog Day, The Straight Story, Chinatown, Blow Out, Scarface, Harold And Maude, Dazed And Confused, Gummo, Bottle Rocket, The Godfather, Taxi Driver, Young Frankenstein, River's Edge, Ed Wood, Citizen Kane, The Royal Tennenbaums, Sideways, The Shining, Edward Sissorhands, Living In Oblivion, Brazil, Paper Moon, Amelie, Vanishing Point, The Exorcist, A Clockwork Orange, The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou, Easy Rider, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Don't Look Back, Night Of The Living Dead, Fast Times At Ridgemont High, Down By Law, Run Lola Run, After Hours, Funny Games, .....many more (I'm still compiling this list)*


Jimmy Kimmel, Real Time With Bill Maher, Entourage, The Henry Rollins Show, The Munsters




Alfred Hitchcock, NC Wyeth, David Lynch, Bill Hicks

My Blog

birthday wishes, smoking...

Thanks for all of the birthday wishes! Got to see Eagles Of Death Metal last night! It's about as close to seeing Queens as you could get on your birthday. Awesome! Don't be fooled by that pack of Pa...
Posted by Kurt St. Thomas on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 12:28:00 PST

more queens of the stoneage

a) the new queens song is sick fucking sick, and well I think I'm gonna shit my pants again, cause they are playing the kroq weenie roast, and I got the day off the air, (well that could always change...
Posted by Kurt St. Thomas on Sat, 12 May 2007 10:17:00 PST

music videos

I have been uploading music videos I have produced and directed up to the page. What a pain in the ass. I hope somebody actually watches this stuff or I just wasted hours doing this.Go over the little...
Posted by Kurt St. Thomas on Mon, 03 Jul 2006 04:34:00 PST

conversation and music with frank black

The following is a transcription of the Elektra Records Promotional CD (PROCD-4382) entitled Conversation and Music with Frank Black. Hosted and Produced by Kurt St. Thomas and engineered by Boy Troy ...
Posted by Kurt St. Thomas on Wed, 14 Jun 2006 01:29:00 PST

the secret history of the breeders

The following is a transcription of the Elektra Records Promotional CD (PRCD 8934-2) entitled The Secret History of the Breeders both Verbal and Musical. The CD was Produced, hosted, and written by Ku...
Posted by Kurt St. Thomas on Mon, 12 Jun 2006 04:54:00 PST

nevermind it's an interview

The following is a transcription of the Geffen Records Promotional CD (PROCD-4382) entitled Nirvana: Nevermind It's An Interview. Hosted and Produced by Kurt St. Thomas and engineered by 'Boy' Troy Sm...
Posted by Kurt St. Thomas on Mon, 12 Jun 2006 04:51:00 PST

queens of the stoneage

holy fuck, queens of the stoneage are playing this weekend in LA, I think I just shit myself.
Posted by Kurt St. Thomas on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 02:03:00 PST