Being interesting,
having interests,
taking an interest in stuff,
doing interesting things,
making interest on my bank account.
You know...
I'd like to meet my sense of dignity. well actually, i'd just be happy to find my sense of dignity, it's been missing for a while.
I'd also like to meet my inhibitions, so I could kick them in the balls...
I roll with the Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional, the EZLN
RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE, Kings of Leon, The Strokes, My Morning Jacket, Death Cab For Cutie, Interpol, Smashing Pumpkins, Weezer, Wilco, Minor Threat, Slayer, The Black Keys, Pearl Jam, The Shaky Hands, Vietnam, Tokyo Police Club, Wolfmother, Oasis, poetic underground hip hop like BlackStar and Immortal Technique, and local bands rock too, like Audacity, Modern Cinema, PRS HLTN MTHRFCKRS!, and The Parson Red Heads.
and of course, who could forget, hurricane chris, that greazy mothafucka
No Country For Old Men
Little Miss Sunshine
Stranger Than Fiction
The Science of Sleep,
Wedding Crashers
A Scanner Darkly
Blazing Saddles
Rocky Horror Picture Show
The Land Before Time
Dazed and Confused
Cool Runnings
Forrest Gump
Mystery Science Theater 3000
Me and You and Everyone We Know ))((
and you know, that one about the snakes...on an aircraft of some sort I believe...
The Daily Show
Colbert Report
The Simpsons (the new episodes suck, and the movie was just awful)
i guess i like Family Guy too while i'm at it, even though the new episodes aren't as funny and the formula is getting tired.
oh and robot chicken is fucking out there man.
It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia
Afro Samurai
Rob and Big
Boy I tellya, that "Fahrenheit 451" book may have been on to something: books = great kindling
Tom Morello
Bob Dylan (well, the young bob dylan)
Eamon Donavon (yeah thats right nigga, you my boyee!!!!!)
Rodney Mullen.
Baron Davis
Grand Theft Walrus
anyone who dirves a Vector supercar and gets twenty ladies but only has one passenger seat!!!
And of course, the people who remind me that life is for the living: MACKIE CHANG, JOSH FEASTER, AND THE SCHMIDTY COMMITTEE.