Em'dee Cuts profile picture

Em'dee Cuts

I am here for Friends

About Me

//////Max aKa Em' dee Cuts has a formation as cabinetmaker, he began working in differents workshops in 99. He' s got a real passion and fascinated by contemporary furniture, creation, design of furniture and every skills and technics of decoration. He leaves Lyon for Bristol Uk in 2001 and worked as furniture designer/ maker and restorer... self employed. Then he descovered a real passion for electro and the proper english culture in this world of music. He decided to share this passion when he comes back for France two years after, organising and working on differents festivals and parties in clubs as Dj. Quickly, the association Architek adopted and booked him for many gigs, mainly for Nuits Sonores Festival for four editions in differents projects. Em' dee Cut's style is definatly dancefloor! He distilled a "Funky, Booty, Fat" Breakbeat and begin to add techno and electro in his powerfulls sets. Proudly features and played close Bonobo, Luke Vibert, Jamie Flukes (Robosapiens), Will White (Propellerheads), Agoria, Lab(Au), Alva Noto, Water Lilly... He finds out a special interest to import electro music in architecture; a world witch he' s closer and closer, especially in 2007 integrating "REPLYC" workshop based in Lyon as modelmaker and prototypes executor. He' s now begining and working on events with ELECTROLARGE french label/ Association.////// ______ /FRENCH VERSION/ ---//////Ebeniste de formation, il commence a travailler dans divers ateliers en 99. Il se passionne pour le mobilier contemporain, la création de meubles, de design et de toutes les techniques de décoration qui l' entourent. En 2001, il part pour Bristol ou il s' installe à son compte en tant que créateur et restaurateur de mobilier. Il découvre alors une réelle passion pour la musique électronique et l' engouement de la culture anglaise pour ce secteur musical. Il décide de partager cette passion à son retour en France deux ans après, en organisant et travaillant sur divers festivals et sur des soirées en club en tant que Dj. Rapidement, l' association Architek l' a adopté et booké sur plusieurs scènes, principalement pour le festival des Nuits Sonores durant quatres éditions et différents projets. Le style de Em' dee Cuts est definitivement Dancefloor! Il distille "Funky, Booty, Fat" Breakbeat et commence a intégrer électro et techno dans ses sets ...très énergiques! Ce qui l' a amené a jouer aux cotés de tetes d' affiches telles que Bonobo, Luke Vibert, Jamie Flukes (Robosapiens), Will White (Propellerheads), Agoria, Lab (Au), Alva Noto, Water Lilly... Il trouve alors un intéret particulier à impliquer la musique dans le milieu architectural, milieu dont il se rapproche particulièrement en 2007 en intégrant l' atelier "REPLYC" en tant que maquettiste ou il retrouve précision, détails et développement de prototypes. Il commence maintenant à travailler sur des évenements avec le Label/Association Lyonnais ELECTROLARGE.//////I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

//////Artists, Djs, Producers, Vjs, Managers, Staffordshires... ...wankers, assholes... no fanx, and... I HATE R' N B and SLIM DENIM!!!!!!!!!!!! ...


//////Breakbeat, Drumn' bass, Electroclash... for what I' m playing.... ... //////Orbital, Agoria, Chemical Brothers, Luke Slater, Underworld, Herbaliser, Bonobo, The Insiders, Jon Cartel, The Cure, Peaches, Joy Division, Propellerheads, Siouxie and the Banshees, Tekël, Ellen Alien, Gotan Project, London Elektricity, Daft Punk, Digitalism, Oi Va Voy, Groove Armada, Fisherspooner, Adam Freeland, Katherine, Futureshock, Morcheeba, Krush, James brown, Sfonx, Zombie Nation, Afx, Stranglers, dead city of London, Leftfield, The Clash, ADF, Chris Lake, Apollo 4 Fourty, Le Tigre, Boom Boom Satellite, Kruder and Dorfmeister, Kosheen, The Doors, Abd al Malik, Stoogees, Booka Shade, Air, E.Z Rollers, Dusty Springfield, Barry White, Justice, Soulwax, Erol Alkan, SebastiAn, Tiga, Rogue Element, Massive Attack, Tricky, Public Enemy, Arcade Fire, Wax Tailor, Stone Roses ... for what I like...


//////Tarantino(s), Scorcese(s), Donnie Darko, James Bond(s), Dalhia noir, Fight club, Delicatessen, Orange Mecanique, Seven, Annibal, Butterfly Effect, Circus, Lock stock and two smoking barrels, Snatch, Sexy Beast, 5th Element, Scarface, Swordfish, Doberman, Las vegas Parano, Human Traffic.


Architecture and furniture design.


my DOOOOOOG!!!!!!.