Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...
How Will You Die?
MY RESULT: Devoured By Wolves
You’re not very cautious when it comes to unfamiliar places, and you tend to react fast rather than think things out. That’s why you’re gonna be wolf meat.
Studies have shown that you’re twice as likely to get hit by lightning than get attacked by wolves, so you’re a pretty lucky duck. When that pack of wolves starts hunting you down, try throwing rocks at them to ward them off. Don’t feed them anything or they might get aggressive when you run out of food. And don’t carry around any babies with you. Wolves love eating babies.
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MyGen Profile Generator
Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...
What Kind of Boyfriend Are You?
MY RESULT: Dream Guy
You’ve got it all – affection, a cool head, a positive attitude, and all that other stuff that girls want their boyfriends to have.
You’re light-hearted, fun, romantic and not too sleazy – a great combination. When you start a relationship, there’s a good chance the girl will totally fall for you, whether she intended to or not. Keep up the great attitude and you’re sure to be a heartbreaker. (Please just try to be gentle.)
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Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...
What's Your Sense of Humor?
Pasta!!! Armpits!!! Going carp fishing!!!! Are you laughing hysterically yet?
You’re an absolute goofball, which is something that people love about you. You know to find the funniness in just about everything. A very admirable skill, to be sure. Though we’re not totally confident you’d do very well on “Meet the Press.â€
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Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...
The eSPIN Personality Test
MY RESULT: Cucumber
You know - as in "cool as a cucumber." Because there's no cooler vegetable than you are.
You've got a great attitude going on - friendly, laid-back, open to new experiences. Anyone should want to hang out with you, and if they don't - well, that's their problem, not yours. Just let it roll off your back. We're pretty sure you do that anyway.
Don't be afraid to show a little attitude every once in a while - it's cool being cool, but it's also pretty nice to get your way and influence the people around you. A little bit. We wouldn't want you to lose your cucumber-ness.
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