As Bill Cosby once said: "I started out as a child." Since then, as for myself, I've had a love for music ever since I heard, while on the school bus one morning, "I Wanna Hold Your Hand," by the Beatles. A little older but still 30 something years ago, after hearing Bob Dylan for the first time, I knew what I wanted to do with my life: write songs. Over time I've written well over 200 songs.
Here are 4 ALBUMS of my music that you can listen to for FREE ... The only requirement is a FREE, Or Upgraded, RealPlayer
Woe Is Me In The Key Of E
Take Me To The Author
One Drop Of Rain In The Desert Sun
Here's Mud In Your Eye
I also, years later, began toying around with funny short-stories and finally wrote my first FREE online humorous novel:
Aboard My Train Of Thought- The Salvaged Autobiographical Accounts of Clyde P. Hipwing.
Consisting of six stories, bordering sometimes on the ridiculous, and just short of being totally silly-- the novel is filled with lots of colorful people such as Clyde P. Hipwing, the protagonist of the story (who is a manic-depressive author) and his eventual destiny into the White House. Is it all just a delusion?
Others include the Right Reverend Ronald R. Ramrod, Deputy Doodah, the Rumpusaurous Rex, the One-eyed Midget-- Emilio Esparanza Mucho Gusto Julio Bigjohn-- whose friends call him Mr Big for short, Patti Peptalk-- a pscho-babble television show host, and the worlds only cat with a PhD- Miss Matilda Waudlebaum. Famous people include: Hillary Rottwiler Plimton, conservative talk-radio show host Flush Limbo, and the worlds most successful musical group ever-- those four lads from Liverwurst, otherwise known as The Bugs. It pokes fun at everything from politics to Elvis. Find out what Really, Really, Really happened at Roswell!!!
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