Klizza profile picture


How much you wanna bet I can make a beat with that

About Me

Well, I've always had a thing for music. I grew up listening to a lot of music, and decided to make my own. It's nice to start beatboxing and then be able to actually make a track out of it. At first I started doodling with MIDI files and instrument compositon. It was ok for a while, but I love hip-hop and that calls for some nice snares and kicks. The general midi soundfont wasn't cutting it and I eventually got into audio (wav files and such) and since then I've been experimenting. Music is a hobby of mine and I like to have fun with it . . .. . too much fun sometimes. Velociraptor, an old wooden door, dropped remote, all fair game when it comes to music. My belief is that anything can be made to sound good if handled correctly.

My Interests


Member Since: 7/22/2006
Band Members: Just me. www.myspace.com/klizza I like to keep my music in its own area.
Influences: Everything from blues to metal. Whatever I do, there's a hip hop sound to it.
Sounds Like: Nobody else I hope. I can't stand it when people make themselves sound like other people just to get noticed.
Type of Label: None