Riding as much and often as I can Afford. Mechanicle design Machining welding fabrication or construction projects around the house. Cad drafting its fun , really. Hunting fishing shooting. Building a Motor. Restoring antique guns, colecting them, or enjoying shooting sports. Cooking. And most of all loving my Wife!!
Any one that can teach me some thing. Someone to show me around a new town that im working in.
I like it. Not realy in this order Hip Hop, Rockabilly, Cow Punk, Hardcore, Punk, Ska, Ratty skatepark music, Whiney Collage Music.
Only good ones that can keep my attention. Which normal people think are bad. My perseption is twisted of what is a Good movie.
Adult Swim when im out of town in a hotel and have rich people stuff like cable tv. If im home I have little or no time for tv.
I read anything that catches my eye or seams interesting, School text books, research literature for projects or questions about life and the world we live in. Movies befor I go see them.
Not people that live with me eat my food use all the shit in my house steal from me, practice VooDoo in my house, then take my wifes unmentionables!!!!! All the peaple that I have ever road with that keeps the scene positive and progressing. Everyone that takes me hunting or lets me hunt there land.