Worship Me... Pretty Please! profile picture

Worship Me... Pretty Please!

Hello, Hello.

About Me

I saw you standing by the Majestic tree, Your coat was as warm As my heart.I said hello, as You stepped onto life, And stumbled On the thorns of hate.I helped you through, You thanked me kindly. I kissed your hand, And you smiled.We walked under the trees, The sun could not reach us Only shadows were Dancing on our faces.Maniacal laughter, Of vicious leafs Flying in the wind, Which stole my hat.You run after it, I look at you and laugh, The ground feels your footsteps, And goes back to sleep.We keep on walking, You talk of life, I listen Of death.Your eyes reflect My perfection, As your mouth moves In synchronized patterns.You hold my hand, Gently. I smile with my heart, And lead us in the dance of life.We suddenly rise from the ground, And start flying, You exclaim that you feel pure, I am never bored.The people down there look like ants, You point out an old house, With your finger, We keep on going up.You tell me to not let go of my sanity Was I ever sane? We are now above the clouds, We eat them like cotton candy.The clouds taste like rain, Which tastes almost as good as thunder. Thunder is just, More spicy.You close your eyes, I close mine, And we just float, While holding hands.Our minds collide, As we fall down back to the ground. You land better than I do, I laugh.

My Interests

Dancin' till the sun go down, happiness, nature, guitaring, traveling, writing, barefooting, ants, Buddhism, Zen, Taoism, meditation, barefooting, harmonica, piano, reading, languages, Arkansas, ganja, loving everything that is alive, politics, protest, peaceful conflict, devolution, hats, minimizing my materialism, vegetarianism, backpacking, hiking, camping, the great outdoors, solitude at a right amount, people, saying good morning to srangers, random conversations, arguments, intellect, poetry, public speaking, performance, sitting around with my guitar and playing for hours, escaping from society, breaking society, spending days in nature, sharing emotions, discovering people, learning something from everyone, balance, history, antopology, spirituality, romance, the beach, watching rocks grow, talking to whales, listening, understanding, living congruently with nature, not hurting a single living thing, chewing on weeds, saving flies from power hungry hands, wine, good discussions, spending quality time with my friends, late night adventures, late day wake-ups, sex with love, strange circumstances, extraordinary meetings, the stars, the sky, the sun, the moon, good cheeze, revolution, independence, art, expressionism, british humour, mountains and the act of climbing them, drum circles, hemp, ethnic cultures, chewing my hair, laughter, life, understanding and celebrating death, reggggae, letting grass grow really tall, flat-bottom boats, lakes, you... peace and love :)

I'd like to meet:

God is here, God is there, God is loving you. Worship him, with all your soul, keep your feelings true. Even if you are feeling the hate from the one you love, Speak to God, breathe at him, he will hear your shout. Give your money to the church, it is in much need. Pay your debts to the ideology you serve, God is a greedy beast. Even in the dark night, when you have no where to go, You can step into God's church, he'll put on a show. Just be careful of the priests, they are not so pure. They will put thier hands into your pants, salvation is so cruel. Pray alone on your bedside, look into the sky, There the stars will shine and shine, but will not shine of God. When your prayers have not been answered, When death is near, there will be no beast of God with a heavenly seal. Maybe instead of talking to God, you should talk to yourself. Realize your inner beauty, waiting to escape. God will not be true with you in the death of night, But you will be there, and to yourself be true... And not to religious delight.


Bob Dylan, Pink Floyd, Velvet Underground, Sublime, Nirvana, Modest Mouse, The Moldy Peaches, Deathcab, Interpol, Iron & Wine, Van Morrison, Johnny Cash, The Grateful Dead, Flogging Molly, Nico, Cake, Lou Reed, Elliot Smith, Rufus Wainwright, Explosions in the sky, Sports, Brett Campbell, The Pixies, Neil Young, Radiohead, Sigur Ros, Tom Petty, The Flower Kings, Outkast, The Flaming Lips, Led Zeppelin, Peter Tosh, The Smashing Pumpkins, Sublime, Country Joe and the Fish, Oasis, Porcupine Tree, David Bowie, Postal Service, Brian Eno, Jimmy Hendrix, The Beatles, Queen, Led Zeppelin, The Doors, Cat Stevens, The Jayhawks, Porcupine Tree, Bob Marley, Bobby McFarrin, Chopin, Tchaikovski, Nightwish, Simon & Garfunkel, Super Furry Animals (on acid), Rage Against The Machine, Ben Harper, Gypsy Kings, Guns n' Roses, John Lennon, Charlie Parker, The Gathering, Liquid Tension Experiment, Sufjan Stevens, Frank Zappa, John Coltrane, Enrique Bunbury, Heroes del Silencio, Enanitos Verdes, Soda Esterio, Manu Chao, Shlomo Artzi, 5nizza, Tipex, DDT, Akudjava, Visotski, Grabinshikov, Nautilus Pompilius, Live Jazz, Ben Bradley's Music Collection, etc.


Trainspotting, Pulp Fiction, Amelie, Y Tu Mama Tambien, Amores Perros, Lucia y El Sexo, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, 21 Grams, Snatch, Fight Club, The Labyrinth (after LSD), Waking Life, Run Lola Run, Eternal Sunshine, The Life Aquatic, Requiem For A Dream, Dr. Strangelove, Fear and Loathing, Holy Grail, Life of Brian, Meaning of Life, Harold and Maude, The Princess Bride, Dogma, Almost Famous, Indiana Jones, Robin Hood: Men in Tights, The Truman Show, Airplane, Vanilla Sky, A Clockwork Orange, This is Spinal Tap, Blow, Donnie Darko, Shaun of the Dead, 28 Days Later, Orgazmo, The Mask, The Talented Mr. Ripley, Tommy, The Royal Tenenbaums, City of God, Kill Bill, Motorcycle Diaries, American Beauty, The Fifth Element, Hedwig and the angry inch, Groundhog Day, Star Wars Episodes IV V VI, Rocky Horror, Fifth Element, Fritz the Cat, SLC Punk, Yellow Submarine, just anything out of Cody Randall's movie collection minus Duets... crappy movie that one, Russian Movies, etc.


Discovery channel shows about ants.


Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Hunter S. Thompson, James Calvell, Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, William Faulkner, Walt Whitman, Charles Bukowski, Kurt Vonnegut, Ernest Hemingway, John Steinback, Douglas Adams, William S. Burroughs, Sogyal Rinpoche, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Federico Garcia Lorca, Jorge Luis Borges, Miguel de Cervantes, Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, Pablo Neruda, Vladimir Nabokov, Leo Tolstoy, etc.


Pavel Rubin